The weirdest dinner everrrrrr

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Vera's POV

I sighed as I got dressed in a tight form fitting black dress for this dinner party. I paired the dress with blue heels. Dark blue sweater. And some jewelry I did super light makeup. Just foundation. Mascara my eyebrows and a bit of gloss. "Hey did. They're here" Danny said and I smiled as we walked downstairs. I stopped on the second to last stair and smiled "oh sweetness. There you are! Come say hello!" Dad said making me chuckle. I say they were all in fancier versions of their super suits. "Hello everyone. I'm glad you could all make it" I say and I see Nightwing and Superboy give me smirks. Making me blush Wonder Woman and Tigress hug me happily. And hug my family.

We all sat down for dinner fairly quickly. I was so nervous. I mean they're all here. I hope this goes well. "So I have a question for these two right here," dad says pointing to Superboy and Nightwing. I can already tell he's in "what are your intentions " mode. "Oh, here we go. Protective dad mode" Charles said making mom slap his head "you two picked up and dropped off my daughter yesterday.... so my question is.... are you or will you try to peruse my daughter?" He asked and o could see Wonder Woman Superman and Batman trying not to laugh Tigress was full-on snickering and I. Being seated in between Nightwing and Superboy sighed and placed my head in my hands. "Dad is this necessary right now!?" I asked embarrassed "yes!! I know these four will take good care of you when you're training. But these two. These two I have my doubts about. Does either of you plan to date her? Court her?" He rants on making me sigh "uh well you see sir. I'm already dating someone. So I'll just be a protector like the others" Superboy said awkwardly. I'll be honest I felt a Lil sad at this. Even though I knew he was with someone. I stupidly had hope. I sigh and took a long drink of my water while Nightwing answers "oh plan to peruse her. " he says making me choke and cough. "What!?" My and my brothers say "oh my. You're serious?" Dad says not expecting that answer either. "Yeah, I am," Nightwings says and I look to the other heroes for help "Nightwing. Enough with the teasing. Have some respect " Superman says "oh not teasing seriously here. I like Vera. She's fun. She's.... refreshing and kind. " he said looking right at me. I blushed and excused myself and ran upstairs to my room shutting the door and sitting in front of it. "This is not happening. He has to be joking. Yeah. That's it. He's joking. I've known him for like three days. No way he's interested. Nope. Just joking. Messing with my dad. That's all" I say to myself. Trying to convince myself he's lying. "You know he's not lying right?" I hear a voice and see Tigress on my window sill stepping into my room. "He has to be!! We've known. Each other for three days!! Not even three days!! More like two!! Or even one! " I say to her "oh he's serious alright. More than he ever is. He likes you. But he won't try anything. Not until the timing is right for him at least. Or until you fall for him. Which he will try to make happen," she said Sitting next to me "but I'll be honest Conner likes you too. I don't how much he does. Be he does. So do a few other of the guys, "she says "but I barely know any of em!" I say and sigh. After a few minutes, she convinced me to come back down and sit next to her and Wonder Woman. Who was more than happy to have me next to her. As dinner went on. The conversation changed drastically. "Vera. We here have been talking. We'd like you to have a mentor. Some who can train you when the Young Justice team is busy. But also to look after you and be there if you need something. "Superman said "wow really?? Well, who?" I asked praying it wouldn't be Nightwing. "Wonder Woman here has volunteered to mentor you and teach you. "Bats said and I smiled and thanked her for doing that.
As dinner went on we heard the doorbell ring "Vera dear would you get that. It's probably your late uncle" mom said as she brought out the dessert. I got up and ran to the door. I opened it and smiled "UNCLE!!" I yell as he picks me up and spins me happily. I giggle and smile "you're late!! Mom isn't happy. But come on!! There are people here you gotta met!" I say as I drag him to the dining room "alright alright I'm coming ViVi" he says and I pull him in. I could see the hero's tension right away. Same with my uncle. "Everyone. This is my greatest uncle ever Lex!! He was supposed to come earlier but he got busy" I say and smile as I hug him "Lex Luther.... is your uncle!?" Superman said as we sat down "yup! He's awesome!! Did you know he built his assistant? She's a cool robot! And pretty nice too haha. " I say as Lex pats me on the head "well I had help. I mostly just had the idea. It was my team that built her," he says to me so nicely and gently. I could see the heroes were shocked. We know Lex and Superman are enemies but we don't care. "Oh, uncle lex. Tell them about the new car you're making!" Charles said "what new car!?" I asked "your uncle is making an eco-friendly car that runs only on sunlight but it won't be hugely expensive either," dad says "wow!! That's so cool! I never thought that was possible " I say softly  "hey it's okay. You'll regain your ability. " Uncle Lex says but I feel hot tears coming "Vera?" I hear mom say before I run out of the room and into the garden out back. I sighed as sat on the bench we had back here. "You okay? " I hear Richard asl as he sits next to me. "No... I'm not. Joker did something to my mind. It's like he blocked the part of my mind that allowed me to take in and store all this information. Every so often something will pop up in my mind. Like an old reminder of what I used to know.... but I feel so broken. So incomplete without that smartness I had. That intelligence" I say "Vera you're still smart. Smart in many ways. And I promise we all will find a way to help you" he said holding my hands as I face him "please don't promise me that. Promises always get broken" I say as I remove my hands and stand up. Pulling my sweater tighter to me. I feel Richard put his arms on my shoulders from behind me. "Let me help you. Let us help you... I won't make promises. But I will do all I can to help you" he says softly. I slightly turn my head to look at him "why do you care so much? We barely know each other" I say "as I said in the house... I like you... a lot and yeah I know it's only been a couple of days. But I like you. And I'll wait for you. Even if you date others. I'll wait" he says to me as I turn to him. I let out a small sob before I hugged him. Burying my face into his chest as his arms wrapped around me. At this moment I felt safe with him there. "We should get back inside now," I say and he nods taking my hand and leading me inside.
Thankfully the rest of the night was uneventful and Lex and the hero got along.
This is the weirdest dinner ever. By far hands down. This is it. nothing could top this weird dinner....this emotionally weird dinner....

********EDITED OCT.11th 2022*********

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