Proposition from Batman

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(Authors Note: Just so everyone is aware... i am using Black Widow From Avenegrs Assemble and The actress from Percy Jackson who plays Annabeth as references pictures to what Vera looks like and what her Hero uniform would look like. Just so no one gets confused.... Lol XD. ) (Another Note: this isn't a. Long chapter. Kind of a filler, since im having abit off writers block. )


Vera's POV

''HA!! AH!!! HI-YA!'' I grunted as i trained with Batman and Artemis in the Mount Justice Training room.... Its been a few days since my uh... steaming session with Richard.. pretty Sure Bats knew of this.. becasue Richard, Conner, Megan, and a few others have been on a three day mission..... ''You're improving.. good..'' Bats said as he kicked my stomach sending me back... i landed up right, on my one knee, with my other leg stabilizing m as i slid back... i took out my  Electric stun wands, or as Bats likes to call hem 'ESW's and advanced, getting in a few good hits on him and Artemis as it was one against two. Somethign i guess i had to know Incas ei had more than one person attacking me.. makes sense...
After a mother two hours of back and forth i had managed to get Artemis to stand down.... Just as the team got back and came to see me going against Bats..... guess its time for a show... Bats could tell what i was thinking.. I knew he could... he gave me that small nod that said go for it.. show them... so i did... i sent attack after attack, but i never wore myself down... bats sent a few attacks, then i did, it went on like that for a bit, that is until i did something unexpected.... I ran at him but slid under him grabbing his cloak and pulling him down with it before speeding to get up and wrapping his own cloak around him him and pinning him down... ''I win'' i state... and he exhaled... i think he was annoyed i used his own cloak against him....i got off of him and helped unwrap him ''you touched the cloak..'' he stated.... And i sheepishly chuckled.. ''I did yeah..'' i say back and look at him.. ''No one has gone for that.... Takes guts... good work'' he said praising me and i beamed and cheered for myself ''aha!!'' I cheered and giggled ''wow.. looks like someon is really improving if you can take down Batman'' Conner stated and i blushed.. i haven't spoken to him for a while... ''yeah i guess...'' i said as we parted from the group so they could brief batman... ''how was that mission thingy?" I asked him as we walked out of the training room.. ''boring.. mostly gathering intel on some big cooperation called OCTAN.'' He said and shrugged and i stopped ''I've ehard of them... they use to be this small group till their OG CEO mysteriously vanished and then his son Malcom took over. Made the small tech company grow within a year. Next you know they're everywhere... even my Uncle has had dealings with them but never got anywhere, said Malcom was unreasonable.. deranged...'' i say and we stop walking ''wait you know about this group?" He asked me confused ''yeah sure.. anyone who's into tech knows about this  group and its crazy leader... now dont get me wrong, they have had some good tech come out.. but in recent years... they've gone virtually dark.. not getting any product out at all'' i say and he suddenly grabs my hand leading us to where he could hear the others... you know they whole super hearing thing.    ''Batman!'' Conner said as we reached everyone ''Vera knows about OCTAN'' he state and everyone looks at me like i had grew an extra head. ''You do?"Richard asked ''Sure... my uncle lex would ahve done business with them, but Malcom, the CEO, is apparently crazy... his father use to run the company when it was a baby company, then he randomly and mysteriously vanished... next day Malcom is named CEO. Within a year the comapny grows, expands.. and over became this huge thing... if i remember correctly, the whole... Malcom taking over thing, was met with bad vibes.. no wnated that. It was meant to go to his older brother Adam.. but for whatever reason it didn't...I've been hearing things from my uncle that the company has become really shady and... distant.. they use to push out lots of products, now, they got nothing coming out, and there isn't a lot of employees anymore. ''I state to Batman what i know of this company... ''I see... Vera.. i have a proposition for you... since you know so much of this company, and im assuming you've probably met Malcom thanks in part to your uncle... how would you like to a consultant for this mission? You'd be hoping out into the field with the team... protected by them of course...but you'd be able to help them, help us, take them down if they are doing anything they shouldn't be. '' Batman said to me.. at frist i was very shocked.. Anyone who's anyone knows that batman doesnt offer this kind of thing... ''Batman... are you sure about this?' Richard..umm... nightwing.. said. ''Yes im sure, she knows more than anyone here it seems. Vera, can you get them inside?" Batman asked ''oh like a  secret door? Or a high up ven that isn't ont he security grid?" Garfield asked with exciment.. ''or i could just walk int he front doors. Ive been there with my uncle lots. They'd recognize me. And i can say that the others are potential share holders interested in the growing company'' i state simply. Making Gar's excitement falter. ''Do it. You can go tomorrow. And this is recon only, gain as much information as you can, I'll get ahold of the blueprints for where the most valuable info is held'' Batman said but i raised my hand ''umm i kinda know where that is.. i built it...'' i state shyly, making everyone look at me as if i had grew another head.
''What do you mean... you built it?" Artemis asked me and i sighed. ''When i first met Malcom, i was of course still pretty young. But he could see how smart i was when I started to ask questions about the structure of his building...ways to make it better, more stable... and thats when he asked me to build his vault... its 80 feet underground, protected by well the highest form of security i could come up with.. layers upon layers of security... for a vault that holds one thing...i brief case, with very important papers. Malcom never told me what they were.. but i can assume that its prof of what was suppose to happen with the company rather than what did happen...''I say to them and batman sighs. ''Vera we need you on this mission. You've built this vault, you can gain access to it. You go tomorrow'' Bats said before leaving us... ''you think im ink trouble'' I asked conner who placed a hand on my shoulder. ''Trouble? No... but he will be looking into what you b told him.. you've met and helped Malcom, if he's doing something bad... you could be the one to help us stop him''Conner said, making me sigh as we walked away from the group. Him wrapping a comforting arm around my shoulders ''you'll do great. You'll have us as back up and if anything goes wrong, then we will get you out of there.'' Conner said and i nodded at him and rested my head against his shoulder.... Well chest slash shoulder, he was a bit taller than me.

But im still worried... I haven't been free for very long.... And... and im worried somethign may go wrong, i know I'll have the whole team with me. But.. im thinking i need backup of my own.. like my uncle Lex, he knows Malcom too.. and he's smart, he'll know if somethings up before the team does. I just hope i dont get into trouble for asking my uncle to come help us.. or well.. me....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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