More Training.... and Talking....and Kissing?....

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Vera's POV

I groaned lightly when I heard my cell phone go off.... rolling over, I underestimated where the edge of my bed was and fell off.. ''ow...'' I mumbled and sighed getting up, kind of, with my blankets and grabbed my phone and opened it before answering the call... ''ugh...what? it's early!!'' I whine and hear a deep chuckle I've come to know belongs to Batman. ''I'm sending a car to pick you up. we need to have a chat. get dressed, be ready in fifteen.'' Batman says to me before he hangs up. making me groan... I got up and brushed out my ratty hair. I need to cut this crap... not now though... I threw it in a braid before grabbing a black tank top, some blue jeans, black sneakers and a light grey hoodie. I dusted my face with some powder and did my brows and mascara before grabbing my phone and walking out of my room. ''Hey sister, where you going?" Danny asked ''Batman needs to talk to me... can you tell mom and dad that I'm going to meet him, please? I don't know where they are and Batman sent a car, should be here soon'' I explained to him '' no problem is, hey.... be careful okay... I know you'll be with heros... but.. they lead dangerous lives.. please be careful'' he says to me and I smile and hug him ''I will try to be.... I promise'' I say before I leave the house, thankfully just as the car and the older guy who picked me up once before, came rolling up. I got into the back passenger seat and buckled up before the guy drove away.... I tried to learn his name, but the guy is strict about not telling me... maybe I can ask Batman.....

*Mount Justice*

I was dropped off inside mount justice that morning, and of course, Batman was right there waiting for me. ''come with me'' he said, and honestly I felt like I was in trouble with a school principal.... I sighed and looked at him. ''Am i in trouble? i feel like i did soething wrong...'' i say to him and he chuckles. ''no, you are not in trouble. but there is a reason you are here, and hopefully you can help us...'' Batman said and he led me into  a room with a weindow on one wall.. but it was a wndow that looked into another room... and in that room, was Harley Quinn.... i froze when i saw her.... during my time with Joker, she was mostly around to keep an eye on me when joker wasnt there... she didnt partake int he torture or the mind games unless joker made her... at times we would just chat.. she would rant and vent to me.... ''why is she here? she never hurt me unless joker forced her too...'' i say softly to the man next to me ''she's here because she knows where Joker is hiding now... we need her to talk... i figured she'd talk to you.. if you're okay with doing that...'' Batman stated and i took a deep breath... before noddig and telling him id do it so long as i knew he was still there in this room watching. so to give me that sens eof security he gave me this small ear piece that he would talk to me through.

I  adjusted myself and wlaked into the room Harley was in, her back was to me so she didnt know it was me. ''Well... its about damn time! ya know i was begining to think i was forgottena bout Batsy!'' Halrey said, adding a laugh at the end, though that seemed to stop when i came into view.... ''It's true... you actually got out!'' she said in shock... and i nodded as i sat in the opposite chair. ''yeah Harley... i got out... the heros found me after i slipped ina. note on how to disarm the bomb and where t9 find me.. joker slipped up.. gave me blueprints of the warehouse... it had the adress on it...'' I state and she seemed even more shocked...  ''how are you?" she asked her voice was soft... i think the softest shes ever had it... Halrey wasnt one to care often... or really ever, her mind was always on the joker and ehr love for him... but after she started to talk to me and i started to talk back... i could see something in her wanted to change...'' im okay Harley... im better... the heros are looking ou for me, helping with my mind, and training me... im safernow than i was when Joker took me.... but.. now.. they need your help.. i... need your help. we need to know where Joker is sow e can send him away.... so that i can know he's put away somewhere...'' i say to her and she hangs her head not sayign anything.. so i sigh and continue... ''My parents dont want me leaving the house no more.. theyre terrified joker will find me, take me all over again.. but that he'd kill me next time.... my brothers have been checking on me in the middle of the ngiht to make sure im stil lthere... that im still alive... i get up ten times a night to make sure everything that can lock is locked... i have this Fire place in my room.... i got my dad and brother to seal it off with cement... so no one can get in that way.. my balcony doors are locked with five different locks.. my parents have added new security to the house.. my uncle has body guards that. sit outside in cars during the night and keep watch ont he house... i cant sleep mos tof the time because im constantly remined of teh torture... of the pain.. the hurt... the mind games.. how Joker broke me!... i sit in my shower and i cry! i cry and cry and cry!......'' i tell her as tears start to flow... i roll up my sleves.... to reveal my wrist.. my scared and freshly cut wrists.... ''you see these!? look at them! i am cutting myself at night after i wake up from the night terrors! so that the pain and fear i feel can be replaced with somehting else! THIS IS WHAT I AM DOING BECAUSE OF THAT MAD MAN!.... I need YOU Harley to tell us where he is.. sothat i can stop.... so that i can have some fucking peace! any kind of peace... please... harley... please.. just tell me...'' i cry out to her.. and int hat moment she herself starts to sob.....''im sorry V.. im so sorry.... Joker... he... he's in a new warehouse just south of Gotham, a old toy factory.. he's got new toys so the hero's need to be careful... but he's there... he hasnt left since you escaped.. he's planning on finding you again and taking you... he's obssed with you now... wants you all to himself, not to build things... but so he can turn you into another Quinn...another plaything like me.... Tell Batman that there is a secret underground tuneel, he can get into the warehouse through thtere, its ont he west side of the building under a old shed....... '' Harley states and i can hear batman telling me he has the info.... ''thank you Harley.. i'll ask Batman to release you... i know you didnt want to hurt are forgiven Harley.... but if Batman lets you go.. you go dark.. you hide.. you leave gotham and start a new life somewhere....'' I say to her and she grabs my hands and nods... ''i am so glad you are okay.... i am.. im sorry for what i did to you.. joker.. he's a mad man, and you never wanna anger him.. i know i didnt.. im sorry i didnt help you.... but im glad you helped yourself with that bomb.... i hope to see you around one day...'' she says before Batman and Superman come intot he room ''Harley... Superman is going to take you far from gotham... i dont want to see you running aorund here anymore.. take Vera's words and never come back...'' Batman says and lets her stand up without the cuffs, and hands ehr a bag ''this is a starter bag. make use of it.'' he states and Halrey nods before Superman takes her away....

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