Trainibg with heros is hard!

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Vera's POV

I sighed as I rolled out of bed and onto my floor. Laying there for a few moments I got up and showered. Got into a training outfit and tied my long brown hair up before handing a light dusting of powder to my face some mascara and doing my eyebrows. Today is the day I'm training with the group called Young Justice. Bats messaged me last night saying Superboy aka Conner Kent was gonna pick me up. So I quickly ate before he came. I was sitting with my brothers when our doorbell rang and dad answered. I put on a light jacket and my runners before heading to the door with my water bottle. "By daddy. I'll be back later. Tell mom I love her. " I say as we say bye. I see Conner by this weird metal ball and smile "what is this?" I asked "this is Sphere. She's our ride. " he says and stands back and this... Sphere transforms into a two-person motorcycle. I smile as Conner helps me to get into the back seat and he sits in front. He hands me a helmet and tells me to wrap my arms around him. I do so just as he takes off. I clutch myself to him tightly and shut my eyes. I can hear him chuckle too. "It's alright. I got ya. You can open your eyes" he says as one of his hands touched mine. I open my eyes to see we are flying!!!!!??? I squeal as I hold onto him tighter "oh god. Oh god. To high!!! Way too high!!!" I squeal out making Conner laugh "I won't drop you. It's okay. " he says "focus on me. Don't look anywhere else," he says and I do so. He talks to me and I slowly start to talk back. After thirty minutes we are at Mount Justice and we land inside. I of course refuse to move still too scared. "Hey, it's okay. We're on the ground now" he says and helps me off. My legs feel like jelly and I trip as I get off. Conner grabs me and holds me close "sorry. Heh. Weak ankles" I say softly "all good. I got you," he says and I feel my heart flutter and my cheeks warm up. We let go of each other and he showed me to the training area. I smiled as I saw the whole Young Justice team training "Hold up everyone!! Come on over!" I see Tigress tell. Soon everyone was coming over and Nightwing landed in front of me. The heroes who had masks all had em on. Nightwing included but they were all dressed in training clothes like me. "Hey, Vera. How are you doing?" Tigress asked "I'm okay. It's still really weird that I'm free. That I'm back home. I never thought I'd be able to go home" I say and see their faces go hard and sad, "Bats said you wanted self-defence lessons, "a green-skinned boy asked "Umm yes. I'd like to be able to get stronger again. And defend me if I ever need it. I was 12 when I was taken. I couldn't defend myself. So now that I'm 16 I'd like to be able to" I say "well you came to the right place. You'll be training with each member of the Young Justice team. It'll help you with defence against normal people and if you come across people with powers or villains too. "Nightwing said and I smiled at him "okay. So what do we do first?" I asked "well you'll be with us girls for a bit. We are gonna get you into shape. Get some muscle on you. Show you how to eat right and exercise right before we start your self-defence training. " Miss Martian said "and during that Manhunter will take you for Mind Mending every Friday to Sunday," Tigress said "wow okay. That sounds good. Can we start now?" I asked and they nodded.

•7 hours later•
I laid my hands on my knees as I caught my breath. 7 hours of workouts. My god. "How.... do you.... do this all the time!?" I breathed out. As I took off my sweaty over top I had over my sports bra. After 7 hours I could see a difference in my body already. "Haha, we've done this for a long time. It gets easier" Artemis aka Tigress said. The girls told me everyone's name so I didn't have to say their hero ones so much. "I highly doubt that," I say and drink some water "seems like you girls took her for a ride," Richard aka Nightwing said "oh yeah. But she kept up. She was at our level by the 3rd hour" Megan said. I groaned when I heard my phone go off. I grabbed it from the bench and answered it on speaker "hello?" I asked, "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I heard Charles say "Training," I say back with a laugh "for seven hours!? Are you nuts!? No. Don't answer that. Just get back home. Moms freaking out cause you never answered your phone today. " he said making me sigh "on it I'll be back on the double," I say making him laugh. "Good to know joker didn't break your humour," he said "Nah only helped with it" I laugh and hang up. "I should get home. Thanks a lot for helping me. I appreciate it" I say to them all and gather my things. "Richard here will take you home ok," Artemis said and I nodded and rolled him to the bay where I and Conner came in. I stopped when I saw his motorcycle. " umm heh this doesn't fly right???" I asked as I poked it. "Haha no. Only Sphere can do that. I take you're not a fan of that" he says as he helps me with the helmet. "Not in the slightest, " I say as we hop on and leave. I held on tightly. As we rounded corners. We didn't talk much other than me telling him where to turn. We came to my home and immediately my mom came out and hugged me "Oh Gott sei Dank, du bist zurück, mein süßes süßes Vogelbaby" my mom said I'm German. I sighed and smiled. "mom I'm fine. I said I'd be back later. I'm with like a hundred heroes. I'll be safe" I say and she smiles at me before thanking Richard and hauling me away inside saying she has a surprise for me. I smile as I let her drag me. We come to the living and I smile more "Uncle Lex!!!" I yell and run to my fave uncle. He's my dad's older brother. Dad never wanted success as Lex did. But Uncle Lex loves us no matter what "My god. ViVi. You. You've grown. Had I known Joker had you I would have come for you. " he said hugging me. And yes I know he's technically a bad guy. But he does love his family. He'd never hurt us. I smiled and we all settled for dinner. After some time Lex left and mom pulled me aside "I want you to call that Batman and invite him and the others who saved you for dinner. You tell him he comes or I find him and drag him by the ear to here" she says making me laugh a di nod and go to my room up call him.

"Hello?" I hear Bats ask "Mom says she wants you Superman Wonder Woman Nightwing Superboy and Tigress over for dinner tomorrow or she'll find you and got e you to come by grabbing you by the at and pulling you to come," I say and hear him sigh and chuckle. "What time?" He asked making me smile "6 pm. And don't be late. Dad hates lateness and will scold you even if you are a grown man " alright. Well, be there. How was training?" He said/asked "I think it went well Artemis has me exercising first to build up my strength and muscles before we do defence stuff," I say "well keep up the good work. We'll see you tomorrow " he says and hangs up. I go and tell my mom and she's over the moon about it.
Training with heroes is hard. But I think this dinner will be harder. The big three. Plus three OG Young Justice members. And my family. Yea. Way harder......

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