I get halfway down the stairs when I hear talking, but it isn't Lailas. I know whose voice it is though. The voice belongs to Mason.

Spying is wrong, I know. But sometimes it's necessary. Or at least fun. I'm curious to know how Laila is going to play this out. I know she'll use my face to her own advantage.

She's sneaky like that.

Mason sits down on the couch. I stay crouched down in the middle of the staircase, watching them from around a corner. They can't see me, but I can see them.

She eye's him up and down but he doesn't see it. He's looking at his hands. His eyes are draped with a hint of sadness. He seems... guilty.

He looks up just in time to meet her eyes as she climbs onto his lap. His eyes widen in surprise, thinking it's me. I'm a little offended he thinks I could do that but he has all the reason to. She looks like me! Hell, even our parents get us confused sometimes.

Nobody can tell us apart. Except Trace. He knew right away that it wasn't me. I don't know how he knew but he did.

"What are you doing?" he whispers.

She leans in, rubbing herself against him, "What's the problem? You like me don't you?"

He swallows. Hard.

"Yeah, you know I do." she trails a finger down his chest, "But your with Trace."

"So?" her eyes tempting him to play along.

His breathing picks up.

"I need you to stop," he begs, "now."

"And if I don't?"

She leans down and places a kiss on his neck, he groans. Lifting her off of him, "Damn it, Emma." places her on the couch.

He practically runs to the other side of the room, getting away from her as quick as possible. She stays there where he put her, a small smirk.

"You don't know what you're doing. Trace is my best friend and your boyfriend." he shakes his head, avoiding looking at her, "I should go."

He can't leave! It's time to go, Emma. Make your presence known.

I step loudly as I finish the rest of the stairs, earning their attention.

I ignore Laila as my eyes find Mason's.

His are widened as he takes me in, looking between me and my sister.

"What the f uck?"

"I see you've met my sister."

He stares at me. Blinks.

"Yeah, I met your sister."

Laila raises her eyebrows, "Sorry we had to meet that way. But if you care about my opinion, I'm impressed by your self control."

He turns around, stares at her. Blinks. Turns back to me.

"Can we go up to your room?" he's upset with her right now, makes sense he wouldn't want to be around her. She just tried to make out with him pretending to be the girl he likes, then broke the news it wasn't her.

I should've stopped it before Mason got hurt.

I grab his wrist and drag him upstairs, glaring at Laila as we walk.

When I shut the bedroom door, he leans against it.

He doesn't know I saw what happened down there. As far as he knows I walked downstairs to see them talking on opposite sides of the room.

What he did for me was sweet though. It took a lot for him to do push her away as she practically dry humped him on the couch.

"I didn't stop by to talk to your sister. I came by to apologize."

"For what?"

He kicks off the door, walks towards my window. There's not much you can see out there but in a way, there's a ton you can see. It's all about perspective. What may look like a big house to someone, another person sees the home of a happy family.

"I've been a jerk to you today. The truth is when I saw you and Trace it made me angry because I wished it was me. I felt envious over my best friend. I wanted something he had, knowing it'd sacrifice his happiness but at the time I didn't care. I want you, Emma."

"Mason-" he cuts me off.

"No, I know what you're about to say. But you don't need to tell me because I already know how wrong that is. I shouldn't feel that way but I do. Or, I did." sighs, "Look, I like you Emma. A lot. But you know that already. I'm not going to try to win you away from Trace because he's important to me too and the two of you are good together. I just wanted to say sorry for how I acted earlier."

He nods once, as if to say he's finished.

"I appreciate that Mason."

I know he likes me. He's made it very evident. But I'm with Trace and I'm happy with him.

Except for the fact you think he may be lying to you.

Damn, will you shut up?


Well, okay then. I tried.

You have strong feelings for Trace but the level of trust you have for him is low. For good reason too, boys can't be trusted. They're all lying sleeze bags who need to be put in their place. Or was that only one boy? And all the other boys deserve a fair chance?

I don't know. Saying everyone deserves a fair chance sounds like the reasonable option but is it the safest? My heart is fragile.

Well you better figure it out soon sweetie because one day soon you'll have to face Trace and discuss how you've been feeling lately. If you don't trust him you'll have to tell him that.

You're right.

I'm you, dumbass.

Mason turns around to leave, I grab him arm to stop him.

"About what you did for me downstairs," he turns to face me, stares into my eyes. He looks down at my hand still on his arm, I drop it. Mason raises his eyebrows at that small action but doesn't say anything. "Telling Laila to get off of you must've been hard but it was sweet. I won't forget it."

He brings his lower lip between his teeth, nods once, turns around to leave.

This time I don't stop him.

Laila is still downstairs and mom should be home any minute. I've got school tomorrow which means I get to see Trace.

He's texted me once and I never replied. It's not that I'm avoiding him I just don't know what to say.

It's his word against Camerons and I know I should trust Trace's but I don't. Anyone could be lying so the truth is I don't know who to trust until I have proof of anything.

Am I overreacting? Shit, probably. But that doesn't change the fact that I can't be around him until I know the truth. At least not for a little while, it hurts too damn bad to see him feeling the way I feel about him right now.

He still means the world to me I just don't know what that means anymore.

I've just got to distance myself until I get some answers.

Authors Note:
Hello! Thanks for reading! Have a great day and stay safe!

All the Mason haters, if you still don't like him then I'm ashamed lol. Personally, I love Mason and if I wasn't dating Trace already (in my mind of course) then I'd be with Mason. :)

Who was surprised to see Laila is back!? Do you like Laila?

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