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big poppa- the notorious b.i.g (slowed) 

kairi sat up, about to protest but was too late as mattia slammed the door shut. he sighed and laid back against the headboard, back curving uncomfortably. looking back up at the television, he felt his face light up with childishly bright colors. little cartoon animals danced across the screen as he began to feel his body lift.

the small boys eyelids began to feel heavy as he closed them and tried to fall asleep. although, he couldn't. kairi's mind was filled with mattia, mattia, mattia


mattia stumbled around the store aisles, biting his nails as he walked around. ripping his hand from his mouth, he clasped them both together and put them behind his head, breathing out. obviously, mattia didn't really come for nothing from the store, he just needed some air. in that hotel room, he felt cramped, like he couldn't breathe. 

his eyes were bloodshot, but whenever he closed them, all he could see was alejandro's decomposing body. all he could see was the disgusting cuts and forming bruises and curves in his face. his mind had conjured up some disgusting, deceased being, which to him, was scarier than the actual situation. how could he just imagine the feeling of killing someone with his bare hands and when there were no consequences, like it?

see, even if he wasn't a murder-

someone tapped mattia on his shoulder. whipping around, he saw a familiar, friendly face. alvaro. it was alvaro. the taller boy dropped his hands from the back of his head and stepped a little closer to alvaro. 

"mattia! how are you doing, buddy?"

alvaro greeted cheerfully, body almost as tense as mattia's. he looked the broken man up and down, face going from a smile quickly into a straight, serious face. mattia automatically put on his best fake smile but couldn't hold it. 

"i'm fucking great! i'm absolutely fucking amazing."

mattia grinned, looking like a vein in his head was literally going to pop. mattia dramatically put his shaky hands up and did pretentious gestures while he spoke. alvaro stepped away, awkwardly chuckling when mattia was done with his outburst. 

"that's great."

alvaro nodded, tapping his fingers on the shelves behind him. once again, he regained some kind of composure, some kind of attitude. he was acting stranger than usual. something mattia had not yet caught onto, alvaro was on a completely different side of town and for some reason, had no shopping cart or even any items. 

"so, um, why are you on this side of town?"

mattia asked, breaking the tension-filled silence between them. 

"just visiting my abuela,"

alvaro answered quickly, shifting his weight on one leg and rolling his neck. suddenly, he stood up straight and raised his eyebrow. when he spoke, mattia noticed his voice lowered two octaves. 

"why are you here? why are you here, mattia?"

alvaro asked, mouth slightly twitching as he stared him in his exhausted eyes. his tone was much different, darker and more skeptical. mattia put his guard up, mind starting to pick up the changes in his body language, starting to become more aware of the situation. quickly, his brain rushed to make an excuse. it was pretty strange why he would be almost out of new jersey, far away from his home.  

"nun of yo business, shit."

mattia said abruptly, watching as alvaro's face dropped into a pissed expression. after a second of silence, alvaro shook his head and reached into his pockets, stalking closer to mattia. he smirked and pulled out a phone, handing it to mattia. 

mattia was confused, humming a little as he looked at the phone case. it was familiar, a little bit too familiar. he paused for a second, examining it. 

oh, fuck.

my hair is acting up im bouta jus get a wig smh how are yall


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