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kairi was now panicking, calling mattia over and over. it had been a whole day since hed last seen mattia. kairi called again, getting sent straight to voicemail. "fuck, fuck, fuck." kairi mumbled. 

"yo, mattia! is you good? please jus call me back. im getting worried. i havent seen you in like 6 hours."

first voicemail, not shaky, just soft voiced.

"mattia, please call me back. for sure you good, i just need to know."

second voicemail, a little shaky.

"where are you? its been half a day! please tell me youre okay."

eighth voicemail.

mattia was still huddled in the corner. he was awake for god knows how long, mumbling to himself a certain phrase over and over. 

"bad man, bad man,"

it was a phrase he was familiar with.

his phone had rung several times.

he looked hesitantly up and saw ale sitting up. 

"i wasnt a bad guy, mattia." he said. "whyd you do that to me?" this voice had a soft croaking, choking, sobbing sound at the end of his voice. the mans face was inverted and dried blood hung. you could see his teeth and some bone in his face.

mattia heard another voice coming from the side of the room. "youre the only bad one here," the voice whispered.

mattia snapped his head around and saw...

no one.

he looked back to alejandro. "youre worse." he croaked out. "bad man!" ale said. 

mattia started shaking, shaking his head no. "no! no! not a bad man! im a good person!" he screamed, shakily standing up and walking to him. "im a good person!" he sobbed out, grabbing ale and punching him senseless. 

"good person, good person. not my fault." he said as he punched alejandro who was sobbing and begging for him to stop. 

mattia closed his eyes and sobbed as he hit him. when he opened them, he was hitting alejandros dead body. 

it had clearly been dead for hours. HE had clearly been dead for hours. 

mattia stopped and looked down at his bloody knuckles. 

"was he bad too? or did you just crave the blood?" a voice asked from up the stairs. 

"leave me alone! leave me alone!" mattia sobbed, getting off alejandro and putting himself back in the corner.

"i know you craved the blood, mattia. youve done it. now, you need to man up. finish it," the voice paused, "finish it, finish it."

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