Chapter Seven

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After arriving at the studio, Louis and Harry soon discover that they are the first ones there and the others are yet to arrive. Heading into the kitchen section, Harry fixes himself a black coffee while Louis gets himself a cup of sweet Yorkshire tea.

The two men sit in a comfortable silence for a while, sipping their hot drinks before Louis speaks up.

"I don't care if it's too early to say but I love you." He says, looking Harry in the eyes. "I love you too Lou." Harry replies, leaning down to rub his nose against Louis'. "I really want to get back with you Lou, but you know all the pressure will come on again by Simon and the rest of management." Harry says, trying to explain to Louis before the smaller man interrupts. "I know Harry, but I want this." He says, grabbing Harry's hands in his own. "But do you?" Harry questions. "It would break me in fucking two if you cheated on me again Lou." Louis can almost hear a pleading tone in Harry's voice. "I understand you don't trust me Harry, but I want this too." Louis starts. "You don't understand how much I hate myself for what I did!" Louis exclaims, tears starting to flow down his cheeks. "I missed you so badly, I needed you but I ruined that for myself. And god did it kill me to know the pain you were feeling was my fault, I never wanted to hurt you Harry." Louis says, completely breaking down now. Harry's heart breaks at the sight before him, gently pulling Louis in to cuddle the sad boy.

"Do you ever see Freddie?" Harry asks. "No." Louis replies. "Briana pulled some shit at court about me being a druggie and drunk and that she didn't want Freddie to be raised by someone like that," Louis explains. "Naturally she won, she only wanted my money though. Only reason she kept him anyway." Louis finishes, head bowed and tone frustrated. "It's funny," Louis says after a while, lifting his head to look Harry in the eyes. "When you told me Briana was pregnant, the baby was the last thing I fucking wanted. But after seeing little Freddie for the first time i fell in love with him but now I can't even see him." Louis finishes, tears threatening to spill from his eyes already glossy eyes.

"Hey hey." Harry coos "don't cry babyboy." Harry thumbs at the tears falling from Louis' eyes. Louis smiles at the old nickname. "I missed you calling me that." Louis speaks up, nuzzling into Harry's neck. "I missed calling you it." Harry replies with a chuckle.

"I wish I could've had Freddie with you." Louis says,  slowly looking up at Harry. "Look, when we get back together and we sort out the coming out shit with management we can try get shared custody with Briana and maybe even adopt babies if you want." Harry explains to Louis nervously. So many thoughts rush through Louis' head with all this information. "You would want to have Freddie!?" Are the only words that Louis' brain will let him form. "If that's what you want babe, he's a part of you. And after we figure all this shit out," Harry says, gesturing between himself and Louis. "I want all of you, that includes him." Louis sequels in delight and places himself in Harry's lap, cuddling into the bigger man.

"Woah!" A surprised Zayn speaks up. "Did we walk in on something?" He says with a giggle, Niall and Liam following him into the room. "No." Louis says, embarrassment evident in his tone. "Didn't seem like a no." Liam says teasingly sitting himself next to Louis, while Niall and Zayn take a seat on the couch opposite.

"So I got a phone call from Simon before." Niall speaks up, trying to get down to the reason they're here. All boys nod their heads, silently telling Niall to continue. "He wants us all to post something on social media about us working together so we can get some publicity." "Yeah their was heaps about us on tv last night." Zayn cuts in. All boys hum in agreement. "Anyone written any material?" Harry asks. All the boys giggle in response to this. "Seems like nothing has changed then." Harry sighs with a chuckle.

After a few hours at the studio, and several posts to each of their social media's the boys all decide to head home well after the sun has set. After a quick discussion Harry and Louis decide to head back to Louis' house after all the other boys have left.

Stepping out of the studio, Harry and Louis are quickly bombarded by flashing cameras and numerous shouts of their names. "Shit." Louis sighs after getting into the car. "Simons gonna have our heads for that one." Harry agrees but doesn't want to make a stressed Louis even more stressed. "It's alright babe, it's not our fault, we didn't know they were going to be there." He says soothingly. "Yeah but he doesn't care about that, you know this." Louis replies. Harry pulls Louis onto his lap in an attempt to calm the man. Kissing his temples and running soothing circles into the man hips Harry speaks up. "It's okay babe, we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it." Louis leans into the mans touch, longing for day he can call him his boyfriend again.

Harry can't sleep that night. Thoughts rushing through his brain of the day he found out about Louis cheating.

It's 3am when Harry is woken from his phone going off loudly beside him. He grumpily rolls over to check it. With it only being Simon, he sets his phone back down, deciding on calling Simon back at a more reasonable time in the morning. When his phone begins to ring again he sighs loudly, swiping across the screen to answer the call. "Simon it's three in the morning, what do you want?!" He groans, voice strained with sleepiness. "I have some important news to tell you Harry." Simon responds. "And what would that be?" Harry asks, trying to sound annoyed but knowing his tone sounds unbelievable due to the numerous thoughts of what the news could be rack relentlessly through his mind. "Louis has cheated on you Harry." Harry's heart feels as if it drops to the bottom of his stomach with the words Simon are voicing. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Louis' at Briana's and she's just called to say they slept together and he won't stop crying so Paul had to go get him to calm him down, he's staying with Paul tonight." Harry can't handle to listen to anymore of Simons words, so he hangs up the phone only to lay awake in bed all night.

At nine in the morning Harry drags himself out of bed, knowing they've got a interview with James Cordan today. Arriving at the studio, Harry isn't his normal bubbly self. He doesn't say good morning to any of his crew, or even the boys. He tries not to let it bother him when he sees that Louis is no where in sight. Just before they're due on set, Harry is sitting in a chair letting Lou, his favourite crew member, style his hair when Louis walks through the door, looking extremely exhausted. All of Harry's pent up emotion suddenly let's loose. He pushes himself up from the chair abruptly "how could you!" He bellows out at Louis. Everyone in the room stares at Harry, wondering what could make the normally calm man so angry and unlike himself. Louis just stands before Harry, silent tears falling down his cheeks. "Am I not good enough for you? Is that it? Do you not love me!?" Harry continues to yell." Louis shrugs his shoulders before looking down at the floor. "Fucking answer me Louis!" Harry screams, "how could you fuck her Louis? How could you do that to me?!" Harry exclaims. Everyone gasps, disappointingly looking at Louis for an answer. "Boys, on stage now!" The camera man yells from the other room.

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