Chapter Thirteen

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Authors Note
Sorry this chapter took me so long to update guys, I've been feeling really down and unmotivated but I'm doing my best to push through it and I'm so proud of this chapter! Xx

Also listening to walking in the wind while writing this while crying about all the boys tweeting and posting about their ten years!! I'm so happy that Louis tagged Zayn in his post😭🥺

After arriving to L.A that night, the boys head to a hotel to spend the night before waking up bright and early for their appearance on the late late show with James Cordon.

"It's so exciting to be working with you guys again!" Lou, their hair and makeup artist exclaims while fixing Liams hair. All boys respond cheerfully in agreement, especially Zayn as he hasn't seen Lou in a very long time.

"On stage in ten seconds boys!" A backstage worker calls from the doorway.

As the boys step on stage for the first time as a group in five years, nervous butterflies fill all their tummies with the thought of what's about to happen.

The five boys walk up to the microphones provided for them and begin to sing 'you and I' for their performance before the proper interview begins.

As they get to the main chorus, Harry decides to be a bit cheeky and chuck in a lyric change, something he used to do quite often before the band went on hiatus. He turns to his side so he's fully facing Louis, he looks at his beautiful boyfriend and takes in his blue eyes and pretty pink lips.

"Lou and I, we don't want to be like them, we can make it 'til the end, nothing can come between Lou and I!" He belts out making Louis' beautiful cheeks blush a pretty crimson colour. Of course, some fans notice and erupt in joyful cheers of encouragement.

James Cordon is quick to give all five boys big hugs before they sit down on the large sofa.

"So boys," James says before continuing. "We've all been dying to know, how did the band get back together?" At this question, the fans in the stands erupt in screams, wanting to know the answer.

"Umm," Harry speaks up, scratching his nose. "Simon actually called me one morning about a month ago and asked me," Harry says asked when in fact Simon told him it would be happening. "And of course I said yes and all the other boys agreed. "So Zayn," James begins to ask "you were keen to come back even after leaving half way through the on the road again tour in 2015 and talking negatively about your time in the band and even the boys.

Harry notices Louis tense up next to him at James' question. Worry courses through Harry's veins as he knows how hurt Louis was when Zayn up and left the band unexpectedly, the poor boy took is so personally, or more than the others did anyway.

"I was in a very bad place with my mental health and had to leave so abruptly for those reasons," Zayn begins to explain. "Do I wish the timing had been better? Yes of course I do but it's what I had to do for myself then." Zayn finishes.

"Did you mean all the negative things you said about the band and the rest of the boys?" James asks.

"A lot of the badmouthing was for publicity for my solo music, but the majority of things I said about feeling overworked and stressed was true." As Zayn admits this Liam elbows him in the ribs, silently telling him to stop talking otherwise he's going to get in trouble with management.

Many seemingly meaningless questions later Niall decides its time to bring out the accents for their second appearance on the late late show.

"The names Bond, James Bond." Niall mimics a perfect American accent. The whole stadium erupt in a fit of laughter. "I think I need a cat for this to truly work," James giggles, a few girls in the crowd scream knowing what's coming.

Harry feels his blood boil at James' comment. He really like James' and knows he doesn't mean anything by getting Louis to be his cat, I mean James has a wife and three kids for fucks sake, Harry just can't help how jealous he gets.

"Come be my cat Louis, for old times sake." James laughs out. With a big smile on his face, Louis stands up and goes over to take his place on James' lap.

Harry doesn't even take notice to everyone laughing along to Niall and James' skit, his mind is fogged with pure rage at his boyfriend sitting on someone else's lap. Harry can't help his dominant side coming out in situations like this, no matter how respectful and kind Harry is.

"Calm down mate." Liam whispers, leaning into Harry's side. This knocks Harry out of his trance. "I'm calm." Harry whispers back. Liam laughs at this, "if looks could kill." He giggles out.

Harry makes direct eye contact with Louis as the smaller boy hops off of James' lap and makes his way to sit back on the couch.

Without even thinking Harry grabs Louis around the waist and pulls him down to sit on his lap. A high pitched squeak tries to fall from Louis' pretty lips as his bottom hits Harry's lap, but is soon interrupted by Harry's lips embracing Louis' in a warm and gentle, but also dominating kiss.

The other three boys and James gasp in utter shock at Harry's actions. Not even a second later the whole audience are screaming in happiness and pure shock.

This brings Harry back to his senses as he quickly unravels his tight grip around Louis' waist, so the smaller man is free to move. But Louis can't, he's frozen in pure shock and submission.

"Do you boys want to tell me what that was?" James asks in pure disbelief. "Me and Louis have been back together for a few weeks now." Harry answers. "Back together?" James asks. "We were also together from the X Factor in 2010 until 2015." Harry finishes, shocking the whole world to it's core.

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