Chapter three

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Harry leaned around the corner and turned the shower on, smiling widely when he felt Louis' tattooed arms wrap around his waist. Harry turned around in Louis' arms and pressed a loving kiss onto Louis' lips. As they pulled away Louis rested his head on Harry's chest. "I love you." Louis softly whispered, looking up at Harry. In response, Harry sighed at this, dragging his face through the palm of his hand. "Lou, I know we just had sex and I promise that wasn't my intention. But if we want to figure this out we need to take things kinda slow." He admitted, making sure Louis knew exactly what he was feeling. "Yeah I understand." Louis replies, looking down at this feet trying to hold his tears back. Harry grabbed Louis' cheeks and gently brought his face up so he could look him in the eyes, "Lou don't cry, I just want this to work, okay?" Harry asked, Louis nodded while cuddling into Harry.

After stepping under the warm fall of water, Harry squeezed some shampoo onto his hands before massaging the liquid into Louis' hair. "I missed you doing this." Louis comments while leaning into Harry's chest. "I missed doing it." Harry replied with a lazy grin, before leaning around to kiss Louis on the cheek. "We better hurry," Harry adds while gently rinsing the shampoo out of Louis' hair. "It's probably about 3:30 right now." "Mmm." Is all Louis replies with, not really wanting to get out of the warm shower.

"Do you have to be anywhere in the morning?" Harry asks Louis, after settling down and getting comfy in the large bed. "No I'm all free," Louis responds. "And you?" He asks. "Yeah me too Boo Bear." Harry replies before leaning over to kiss Louis gently on the forehead. Both men fall asleep faster than they have in a very long time. Louis won't admit it, but he knows it's definitely because he feels safe in Harry's arms. And frankly, he's been sleeping terribly for the past five years since he's been sleeping on his own. But before Louis drifted off to sleep the memory entered his head of the day he lost Harry and the events leading up to that day, Louis hated himself for what he did to Harry and hoped that eventually he could be forgiven.

Harry sits on the edge of his bed, his elbows resting heavily on his knees, silent tears falling down his cheeks. He stands up and makes his way downstairs when he hears the front door open and then close. Blue eyes meet green as the two men cross paths on the staircase. "What's wrong Hazza babes?" Louis asks, with a worried tone. "I need to talk to you, can we go sit on the couch?" Harry asks Louis quietly. After making their way to the couch Harry reaches into his back pocket and pulls out some photographs. "I was just on the phone with Simon," Harry explained through his tears. "And he told me Briana wanted me to know something and that she sent me these photos." Harry slowly spoke before placing the photographs in Louis' lap. Louis could feel his heart shatter when he figured out that what he was staring at was sonograms. Their were two pictures, one that looked like a side of a baby and the other looked like it was a front on view. "I don't get it." Louis spoke up, although he very well did. "You got her pregnant Lou." Harry spoke before breaking down in tears at the stress of all this new information. "I can't do this anymore Lou." Harry spoke up in not even a whisper. "What is that supposed to mean!?" Louis asks, feeling the anger and hurt run through his veins. "I don't know how this is going to work," Harry says gesturing between himself and Louis. "If she keeps this baby." "I don't want her to keep it!" Louis yells, standing up from his seat to stand in front of Harry. "I love you Harry, I don't want to have a baby with her!" "Well she wants to keep it." Harry says. "What do you mean?" Louis responds. "How do you know that?" He finishes. "Simon told me before over the phone." Harry answers. "Look," Harry speaks up again. "I can't do this anymore, it was one thing you cheating on me with her but now she's pregnant Lou, I can't do this." Harry says, tears slipping from his eyes. "Well it that's what you want," Louis says, tears rolling from his eyes. A silence falls between the two men as they stare at each other. "I guess I'll go pack some things then." Louis states before heading up the stairs. Louis can't be bothered to fight with Harry, he knows his actions hurt the man and he's confused as to why Harry has stayed with him this long after he cheated on him. Louis hates himself.

Harry awoke from his nightmare, shooting up in his his bed, sobs racking relentlessly through his body. "Love are you okay?" Louis asks, being woken up from Harry's crying. "Just a bad dream." Harry replies falling into Louis' open arms. "What was it about?" Louis asks, pressing a loving and gentle kiss onto Harrys forehead. Harry thinks for a little bit, not knowing whether he wants to tell Louis the truth or not. "I just had a dream about the night Simon called me about Freddie and I asked you to leave." Harry tells Louis. "I know I said I wanted you to leave but i don't known if I actually wanted you to." Harry explains. "Babe, it's in the past I'm here now." Louis says, trying to comfort Harry. "I shouldn't have pushed you away Louis, I needed you so badly." Harry says, tears falling from his eyes. "That's not on you, that's on me babe," Louis explains. "I shouldn't have gotten piss drunk that night and slept with my fucking beard." Louis says, getting mad at himself for his past mistakes. "Why did you do it?" Harry asks, not knowing if he wants the answer. "Well you know it was a stunt set up by management," Louis starts. "Well Simon was harassing me that day like normal, telling me I'm disgusting for being gay blah blah blah." As Louis continues explaining Harry nods his head to show that he's listening. "Anyway we went to a club and I was so mad I just wanted to let go and get really fucked. Briana wouldn't get off me and I tried to push her off but there were paps everywhere. Her driver took us back to her house and I was so upset and down on myself for being gay I just thought maybe I'd try to just be straight like everyone wanted me to be." Louis finished explaining with heavy shoulders due to guilt. "I didn't want you to be straight." Harry says "I know babe, I'm never going to not feel guilty about what I did that night and I just want to try make things right." Louis explains. "Anyway we should try go back to sleep." Louis says before kissing Harry and pulling him into his chest.

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