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"I hope all of you have started on your literature project. Just a reminder, it's 50% of your grade."The whole class groaned at this.

Professor Grove looked a taken back.

"Didn't I mention all of this to you when I first assigned the assignment? God, does anyone even listen to me?"He grumbled.

"So, for the remainder of the class, I'd like all of you to continue working on your projects. Go ahead and find a seat by your partner."He ordered us all.

Everyone scrambled out of their seats, while the whole room filled with chatter and conversations.

Zayn plopped down next to me with a glum expression.

"Bet you wished you read the book now, don't you?"I teased with an all-knowing smile. He didn't reply but started into the blank space of the board.

Professor Grove had the liberty to write down all of the requirements and regulations for the project. Zayn was studying them all carefully, as I saw his eyes flicker from one word to the next. He took out his notebook and pencil and started copying them all down.

Since when does Zayn pay attention, or even care to get a good grade?

I peered over his shoulder and saw he listed everything in his messy, boy handwriting. He continued doing that for a while until he stopped and turned to look at me.

"My dorm today?"He asked. I gaped and gave him a mortified look.

"I'm not going to fill in for your booty call."I spat in disgust.

He pounded his desk in frustration, which caused everyone in the class to avert their gaze towards us.

"God dammit, Tori. You never get me at all. Can't you accept the fact that I've matured a bit since we were young?"He yelled and left the classroom without saying anything.

The whole room was quiet and a few people were pointing at me and whispering, might I add, very loudly.

"What did Zayn ever do to her?"

"Can she get any worse?"

"Rumor has it that she only likes him because she's so desperate for a booty call."

"I feel so sorry for Zayn, considering that he has to work with her."

"Heartless Tori."

"Poor Zayn."

"Isn't she the girl who had the baby back in high school, but had an abortion?"That finally drew the line. I rose up from my seat and headed towards the door.

"Just letting you know, I don't like Zayn and probably never will. So no, I don't want to be one of his used toys' and be in the same category as you desperate girls. And can you guys be anymore immature? That rumor was back in like 10th grade or something, hence the word rumor." I informed everyone and left the room, just like Zayn did.

I know this would probably lead me into detention, but I don't care. This is all Mr. Grove's fault. If he hadn't paired me up with Zayn, none of this would have happened.

How low can I get? Storming out of the room like that probably lands me in the bitch category, and blaming other people never helps.

But whoever said the comment about the baby was really trying to get to me, which worked. I wish people knew that I had forgiven Niall, and that I was actually making an effort to forget about my past.

I mean, isn't that one of the perks of when you get in University? Most people always like to have a fresh start in high school, because of their terrible middle school year. Then they figure out that their high school year is a total bust, and they decide that going away for college is the best bet they have to start all over.

But no.

Bad karma just happens to come and wash over me, starting with the fact that Zayn goes to the same University as me.

Sometimes, I wished life could be much easier. Doesn't everybody though? Then again, if there were no problems, the world would be so peaceful. And of it's too peaceful, then it wouldn't be boring.

Boring equals bored, which equals- TORI WILL YOU SHUT UP!?!

I muttered a bunch of curses under my breath, until I reached my dorm room, and I mean my dorm. I was so frustarted about Zayn that I forgot that Alex and I still haven't made up. She was probably in here...

To confirm my thoughts, I looked up and saw her staring at her photo album, while sitting against the bed.

"Hey,"I said awkwardly. She looked startled and jumped up. She didn't say anything, while her face turned red, and then almost this deadly shade of purple. She let out a gasp for air.

"I'm so sorry I never told you about Niall!"

"I'm so sorry I overreacted!"

"I'm so sorry I was so harsh on you about the high school incident!"

"I'm sorry I didn't support you about your relationship!"

We both stopped apologizing across the room and hugged each other.

"By the way, you have my approval of Niall. So does Rose. We talked to each other at Zayn's party and worked things out."I said casually.

"Tori you are the best! But who says I need your approval, Mum?"She sent me a sly grin. I slapped her forearm and laughed.

"Your so lucky, you don't have to worry about boys' anymore now that you have Niall."I sighed.

Her expression twisted into a concerned face. "What happened?"

I cursed a little under my breath. "Zayn."I closed my eyes and inhaled in heavily.

"I'm going to need a bit more than that, Tor."She rolled her eyes.

I exhaled slowly. "Today in English Class, he asked me to come to his dorm after class were over. At first, I thought he wanted me to fill in for his booty call or whatever, so I kind of snapped at him."I stopped for a moment, and Alex nodded her head.

"Then he got mad, and said something about how he isn't like that, and that he's changed, made one hell of a dramatic exit, and left the class."I closed my eyes.

"Alex, I'm going to fail this project if he is going to be mad at me forever."

She looked at me carefully, pursing her lips, as if to think of what to say.

"You know, he doesn't use girls."She suddenly said. My head snapped up to face her.

"What?"I asked.

"He doesn't use girls, as in he ain't a player. He may just seem like he uses girls, but he actually doesn't. Even in high school, he did kiss a girl at parties and things, but never jumped to second base."She answered.

I stayed silent for a moment, staring at my lap.

"Are you sure this is just about your grade though?"She asked me.

"What?"I repeated again.

She huffed. "Will you stop saying 'what'? I'm saying, do you think you like him?"

I scoffed. "Me? Like him? As if."

She put her hands up in defense. "No need to get all defensive Tiger."

"I'm not being defensive!"I yelled raising my voice.

"Just a question."She muttered.

"Well, I don't like him and never will."I stated, closing the matter.

I could've sworn I heard her say a 'sure'.


Got a chance to update! Did you guys think I'd actually portray Zayn as a player? No way!

Dedication to @Macainthetardis. Anyone who's a fan of Doctor Who should really read her short story called 'Die With You'.

xx Yusra

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