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The next morning when I woke up, I had found myself shivering. My whole body was covered with beads of sweat, and my hair was a damp mess.

My mind drifted back to when I fell asleep, trying to remember what happened. I closed my eyes, and I found myself imagining a black space.

I found myself walking down the streets on the hot summer day. The scorching sun was burning down on my back, causing me to turn red in the face.

The little children of the neighborhood were all outside, heading to the ice cream parlor that was just down the street. Money was clenched in one hand, while the other was being clutched onto by their older sibling.

Suddenly, the scene changed a bit, turning more dark and mysterious. My hands gripped the edge of my bed, as I saw the horrifying images. I shot open my eyes to end it.

With the back of my palm, I wiped off the new puddle of sweat that was forming on my hairline. My first instinct was to run to the bathroom and wash up, or otherwise, Mum and Caitlin would start interrogating me.
As I changed into my Batman shirt and skinny jeans, it finally hit me to realize that it's New Years' Eve. Quickly, I tied a flannel around my waist and scurried down the flight stairs.

Okay, so that may be a slight exaggeration, considering the fact that you could probably get a workout with the amount of stairs there were.

Once I reached the bottom, I ran towards the kitchen. My foot slipped on the wooden floor, but I used my feet to stop myself from crashing. My Mum, Dad, and sister had all looked up and stopped whatever conversation they were having.

"So it's New Years' Eve,"I started off casually. In the corner of my eye, I could see Caitlin roll her eyes.

"No dip Sherlock."

My Mum muttered something under her breath that I couldn't quite catch. Meanwhile, my dad turned around to face me.

"Are you ready?"He asked me. My face churned into a confused expression.

"Ready for what?"

Now Mum decided to speak up. "We're going to Bradford of course! Have you forgotten?" My brain tried to think back and remember if Zayn or Mum had said anything about going to Bradford.

"You didn't forget, did you?"My dad questioned.

"Uh.."I stuttered. Caitlin quickly came to my rescue.

"Of course she did! She even packed yesterday." I gave Caitlin a look of thankfulness.

My Mum looked satisfied. "Okay. Remember to get your things for Uni, because you're going to leave with Zayn."

Caitlin wriggled her eyebrows suggestively, while I smacked her lightly. My Mum rolled her eyes.

"I'll go grab the last of my things, and I need Caitlin to help."Emphasizing the last part a bit, which alerted her.

She stood up with me and we both ran upstairs. "We're leaving in 20!"My dad called out.

Once we reached the top, I hugged Caitlin. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mum would've killed me."I chuckled.

My sister looked a bit shocked by my actions. "You hugged. You never hug."She noted. "And it's no big deal. I knew you forgot, so I took the liberty to pack the stuff you brought. And yes, I did pack flannel and your Beats."

"Thank goodness. Now I just need to get my bag for Uni."I said, heading to my room. Caitlin leaned across the doorframe of my bedroom.

"Any goals for tonight?"She asked me, while I was shoving books in my bag.

I turned around to face her, with my eyebrows raised up. "Goals?"I repeated. She nodded.

"Like what?"I asked her.

"Oh you know...better grades, to meet Alex Gaskarth, or give Zayn a New Year's kiss."She listed off.

"Kiss Zayn? The most I'd do is give him a hug. Kissing him means jumping to second base. I want to maintain a first base friendship, Cait."I rolled my eyes.

"Kissing is first base. Second base is where protection might be handy."She winked.

"Caitlin! I'm serious. I don't like Zayn like that."I said, trying to hold back a face of utter disgust. Zayn and I are simply just friends, and will never be more. I can promise myself that.

"Tori, give him a chance. What if he's different? You never know."She said, and walked out.

What does she mean 'he's different'? They are all the same, in certain ways. That's easy for Caitlin to say, considering the fact she's never had her heart broken numerous times.

After Year 12, I completely ignored the fact of being in a relationship. Honestly, I didn't see what the big fuss was. It's not like your going to get married yet or anything, so why build up the tension? Which is why I decided I wouldn't date until after Uni.

People might look at me and think,"A blonde? How can she possibly graduate, when she's probably a prostitute?"

I hated the fact that society thinks that all blonde people are dumb, and labeled under the player or heartbreaker status. I liked to prove stereotypes wrong, because not everyone was the same.

If they think I'm a heartbreaker, well they don't know. They don't know I'm already heartbroken.

Sorry this Chapter is a shorter! Be ready for another update soon. :)

Are you guys surprised by Tori's past? Don't worry, because this is all just the beginning. More to come!

Dedication to @MajaDiana. If you read the last chapter, you would probably remember what I asked you guys, but I'll repeat anyways.

Please read her stories Cut! And Play. (Play is the sequel so if you plan to read, read Cut! first). In all honesty, they deserve to hit 1M reads. I'm not pressuring anyone to or anything, but you're missing out on 2 great stories!

xx Yusra

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