manufactured love.

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🎼 And the neighbors whisper
Do you really love your kids?
Or do you pay for manufactured love?
Do you really love your kids?
Cause if you do you really fractured love


Kaycee's POV

"What do you mean we are going to perform in front of the whole school?!" I asked clearly frustrated with the situation. The thing is, me and Sean haven't danced in a long time together and yes, the chemistry will still be there, but I just confessed to him. Me and Sean are still awkward about us.

or is it just you.
shut up!

"I think that's exactly what it means." Sean answered. "Look, Kayc if you don't want to perform in front of the whole school then we'll talk to Ms. Lace. I'll tell her that we don't need the extra credit and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind." Sean added but I shook my head as I sign to not do it.

"It's okay. I mean we've done this before. We even did it in bigger crowds. So, this will be easy. I guess." I said trying to sound confident.

"We don't even have a dance to perform yet." Sean stated. He looked kinda stressed out too, but I guess he didn't wanna make it obvious.

"Well, we'll just work harder." I said. "And plus we have 4 more days left and we see her everyday in the morning. So, we still have time." I added.

"To choreograph and learn a whole dance?" Sean said clearly frustrated with this situation. "I mean we are Sean and Kaycee." I said trying to cheer him up.

He couldn't help but smile and chuckle by my comment. "Well, I kinda have an idea for what song to choose." Sean said. "Really?What song?" I asked. "Well...I was walking around and I heard this song and I searched up the lyrics to find out what the song was and it was 'Manufactured Love' and it sounded really good." Sean explained.

"Could I hear it?" I asked him and he nodded and took out his airpods and gave me one piece. Once it was in my ear, he started to play the song.

"So, what'd you think?" Sean asked. I was speechless on how the song was perfectly written. The lyrics were amazing. I think that's one of the songs that would definitely hit me.

"I think it's great, I love it." I said while smiling. "Have you thought of the choreography yet?" I added. "A bit, but I'm not sure if it's good enough. I'll see in class tomorrow." He replied.

Sean's POV

Last period of the school went by quickly. I spared no time and walked to where I usually would park and drove to my house.

I'm actually not sure on what our dance would be. People would have high expectations with me and Kaycee, which puts a lot of pressure.

I started to make up some dance moves that would work. I was really focused on the dance that I didn't even notice that it was already dark outside.

I got so hungry, so I went downstairs to the kitchen to search for food. I found some left over pizza that Sarah brought yesterday that she didn't finish. I'm wondering if she'll get mad at me if I eat. However, I still ate it since I'm really hungry and I'm too lazy to cook.

Once I'm finished, I went upstairs and took a quick shower and headed to sleep since I'm just really tired and exhausted with the choreography of the dance.


"Sean, have you decided on some moves yet?" Kaycee asked walking up to me. "Umm I'm actually almost finished with it. I just need to know if we still add some things." I answered.

I saw that Kaycee was about to say something until Ms. Lace came to us.

"So, Sean and Kaycee, I was thinking that you guys should be the last to perform." Ms. Lace said. "Why should we be the last to perform?" I asked. "Well, we're going to this by category; there is only two categories since nobody wants to act. So, that means its only singing and dancing. And there are more pairs that are singing, so I wanted to get that over with it and you two are one of the most amazing dancers here. So, I decided to have you two as our last act." Ms. Lace explained. "Oh..okay" I said and she started to check on the other people.

"Do you wanna learn the choreography I prepared first or try to finish the choreography?" I asked Kaycee. "Lets start with the choreography you prepared first."

I started teaching her some moves and so far she was good with everything. It didn't really took a while for her to learn the dance.

"Wow you already got it. Lets add everything together now." I said.

She quickly got the hang of it and got the timing perfectly, but I feel like we lack on emotions. This choreography needs a lot of emotions and I'm kinda worried that we might not fully portray it.

"So, thats all I have. Do you think we should add anything?" I asked.

"Are you gonna cut the song to when he starts singing since like that's when we start dancing or are we gonna leave it as it is?" Kaycee asked.

"My original plan was to wait until the song starts. However, it would look weird if we're just standing there for more than 10 seconds and it would also look weird if the song is cut right away." I explained.

"I guess we could add a couple of moves in the beginning." Kaycee suggested.

"This dance really needs a lot of emotions and like we need something to get the people's attention like we could-" I stopped and thought for a while and something particular came up in my mind.

"I think I know what to do."


This was supposed to be the ending. However when I wrote it, it was 1700 words and I wasn't even done with the chapter. So, I decided to make two parts. I'll be posting the next chapter soon because I basically already finished it, but I wanna make you guys wait😈😂

Anyways, please; Vote⭐️, Comment💬, and Share🥰


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