am i dreaming.

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🎼 And even if the ground breaks where we stand. If all the world collapses, hold my hand. No matter who defies us, don't let go.
Just close your eyes, don't wake up from this dream.
Kaycee's POV

I went to class and found Bailey and told her that I'm leaving because I don't wanna see Sean after our encounter in the rooftop. I told my teacher that I'm leaving class early too and fortunately she believed my excuse.

I  saw Sean walking towards the classroom so I went the opposite way he's going. I went to the other exit in the back and called an uber since I don't want to call my parents to pick me up. I decided to go to the park near my home first because I don't really wanna go home first.

"Oh shit." I said out of no where. I just remembered that I had to see Sean today at the cafe so we could discuss about our project. But since I didn't wanna see him, I quickly texted him that I couldn't come today.

Sean, I can't come to the cafe today.

oh okay, it's alright.

I didn't bother to reply because I could tell that he's in class and it was already awkward and I really don't wanna make it more awkward for the both of us.

A few hours later I headed back home since it was getting a bit late and it was getting a bit cold. Surprisingly, my parents weren't home. I was about to text them where they were but, my mom called me.

"Mom, where are you?"

"Kaycee, could you come here at the Lew's residence?"


"It's Miya's birthday today, did you forget?"

oh shit i cursed in my head.

"So, Kaycee could you come here?"

"Mom, how? I can't drive yet."

"Oh right! Chuck sended Sean to pick you up. I told them Kylie could but, they insisted. So, I just agreed."

"I could just Uber."

"He already left. So, just quickly get ready."

"Oh, okay. See you."


"Ah shit!" I cursed. I thought I wasn't gonna see him today. But, fucking faith gotta be like that. I didn't bother to argue with myself and just got ready and since it was a quick-ish drive here, I just changed to the first Hoodie and long tights I found. I put a little cologne to smell decent and went downstairs right when I heard a knock. I opened the door and saw Sean Lew.

"Hi, ummm are you ready?" He aked and I awkwardly nodded and said Hi back. I got out of the house and quickly locked the door and checked if its also locked. He guided me to his car and opened the door for me and when I was seated he closed the door and went to my seat.

He started the car but then looked at me and got closer until I could hear his breath. "What are you doing?" I asked. He looked down on my lips and back to my head until I heard a click. "You forgot to put on your seat belt." He answered. Seriously Kaycee what are you thinking?! "Oh, yeah..sorry." I said and he shifted the gear to drive and drove to his house.

Silence. That's all I could hear. Both me and Sean didn't talk and didn't even bother to say a single word. I couldn't take it anymore and turned on the radio but, to my luck the song that played was "Let You Love Me."

It was one of our danced that we did before and it was the most closest dance we both have ever been. Fortunately, he turned the volume a bit down and talked to me.

"So, ummm when are we gonna discuss about our project." He asked.

"Do you have anything to do after?" I asked. "Because we could discuss about it a little after your mom's birthday gathering." I added. "Umm....yeah, we could discuss it a bit after." He answered.

We didn't talk after that because we were near his house already. Right when he arrived he quickly got down and opened the car door for me.

"You didn't have to, my hands are perfectly capable of opening the car door." I told him and he just said while smiling and flashing his dimple , "It's okay and plus my hands are also perfectly capable of opening the door for you and only you." smooth.

I stood there for a few seconds still processing what just happened because it just doesn't seem real and I'm questioning if this is a dream. Fortunately, I got back to my senses and went inside the house but stopped when Sean opened the door for me again. I didn't bother to say anything and just rolled my eyes and he just smirked back at me.

"Kaycee, your here!! Miya welcomed me with a hug and of course I hugged her back. "Happy Birthday!" I told her once we got out of the hug.

"Kaycee, its nice to see you again." Sarah said and walked up to me. She hugged me and I hugged back and told her and smiled, "Nice to see you too."

Sean's POV

If I'm gonna be honest, Sarah and Ken is the only people that knows about my feelings for Kaycee. If I'm being honest, Sarah found out first. My mom and dad and my other sister, Serris who is at college right now doesn't know about me and Kaycee. They didn't even know that me and Kaycee used to be in a fake relationship. I had to beg my sister not to tell them because they'll just tease me about it and it's really annoying.

"Sean, go sit with Kaycee by the couch." My mom told me and I nodded. I went to our couch and sat down while watching Kaycee eat her food. "This is really good!" She complimented on a dish that I made. "Who made this?" She asked and I smiled. "Me." I simply answered. "No way!" She said and I smirked. "I think you're kinda forgetting that I won Chopped Junior." I told her confidently. "Whatever" she said while rolling her eyes. I just laughed and which made her laugh too and smile.

"Are you done?" I asked because she looked like she was full since she didn't bother to grab more. "Ummm...yeah." She said and I grabbed her plate so, I could take it to the kitchen. "I could take it." She said and stood up to take her plate.

But, I didn't let her so, I hid the plate behind my back causing for her to get it. However, I didn't realize that her hands were around my waist and our face were really close that with just one move our lips would touch.  We stared for each other for a while and I looked at her lips and back to her eyes. However, she took her hands off and stepped back and said, "Should we discuss about our project now?"

Here ya go! I wrote a bit longer to make it up for you guys since I haven't been active and my chapters I published recently weren't that long. So, I decided to write more.

I hope you liked this chapter and atleast are satisfied with it because I haven't really gotten this far with writing a book before😅

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