fake girlfriend.

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🎼All I want is love that last. Is all I want too much too ask? Is it something wrong with me.
Kaycee's POV

I saw Sean head in our classroom and he looked depressed. He didn't even bother noticing me. Why would he? I thought to myself. She stopped looking at him when Bailey called her.

"Hey Kayc, is Sean alright?" She whispered because we might get caught talking during class.

"Yeah, he might just be thinking about something but I'm sure he'll be fine."  I said so, she wouldn't worry about him that much because I know she's looking out for him because his best friend is her boyfriend, Ken.
Lunch started and now I'm really worried about Sean. He hasn't been himself all day. During Math, he had a careless mistake on the example and knowing Sean, he never makes careless mistakes. Especially Math.

I went to Ken and Bailey and sat at their table while I was waiting for Sean to come sit with us. I spotted Sean with his Tray on his hands walking towards our direction. I smiled when I saw him sat down at the table.

"Hey guys" Sean said to all of us. We all said Hi back to him and asked how he was doing and he said he was fine but I knew that something was up. I let my worries slide for a second until I saw Tate approaching us but she went to another table.

"Sean, What's wrong with you and Tate?" Ken asked Sean and we all looked at him, waiting for his answers.

"She broke up with me." He said emotionless. I knew he was hurt because that's his first love and first love is always hard to forget.

"Why?" I asked and Sean didn't wanna answer that question.

"Dude. I want her back. I love her so much!" Sean said to Ken. I gotta admit that that one hurts a lot.

"How would you do that?" Bailey asked Sean because Ken was stuck in his mind trying to find out about this.

"I don't know, but I  would do anything just to get her back." Sean said really determined.

"I got it." Ken said and we were all confused to what he was saying.

"What do you mean?" I asked Ken.

"Make her jealous." Ken said which we were all confused again.

"How?" Sean asked to Ken wanting to know his idea.

"Get a Fake Girlfriend which would make Tate want to get back with you." Ken said. "and make sure that your fake girlfriend would really make Tate want to get you back." Ken added.

"Who would Tate get jealous with?" Bailey asked and now, we were all silence again. Tate wasn't really jealous to anything.

"Kaycee." Ken said and now, Bailey, Ken, and Sean are now looking at me. "Why me?" I asked. I don't really know if I could make Tate jealous.

"Easy." Ken said. "Your his best friend and I've noticed that when sometimes you two would get touchy Tate would always look differently." Ken added and I didn't know how he caught that.

"I don't want to use Kaycee." Sean said and I felt my cheeks burn. "We need another idea and a good one." Sean stated.

"No, I'll do it." I said and everyone at the table looked at me. I actually didn't know why I said that. Maybe because you wanna spend more time with him. I thought but completely shrugged it off.

"No, Kayc it's fine. We'll think of another idea." Sean said.

"It's okay Sean, I insist." I said placing my hands on top of his. I'm not really touchy to him but I just felt that I needed to do that.

Sean's POV

"It's okay Sean, I insist." Kaycee said and placed her hand on top of mine and I suddenly felt electricity going through my body. I haven't felt that to her when we get touchy. I don't even feel that with Tate. I just shrugged my thoughts.

"Kaycee, are you sure?" I asked. I'm trying not to use her because I'm not that kind of person to do these things but I just want Tate badly right now.

"Yeah, I mean you're my best friend and if I was in the same situation you would do the same for me." Kaycee said and I smiled to her and she smiled back.

"Ok, well. When do we start?" I asked and we took some time to think about it. I suggested tomorrow since I really wanted Tate already and Kaycee agreed because she said the sooner the better. However, Ken suggested that we should start 3 days from now because it'll be suspicious if we start right away because Tate might sense that something was up. We didn't wanna start too late because we might end up and become really slow to the point I can't get her back. We all agreed to his plan and started to walk to our class.

Kaycee's POV

I didn't know why I offered to be Sean's girlfriend. Oh wait no- Fake Girlfriend. Either way, I still don't know why I agreed. Maybe it's because you want to experience being Sean's girlfriend. I thought to myself. Even if it's fake. I added to my thoughts. I'm supposed to be moving on but I'm getting more close now. I shouldn't have done this because I know I'll be getting hurt in the end.

"Kaycee, Sean's here" Her sister said to her. Me and Sean discussed that we will set some rules and not cross any lines.

I went downstairs and saw Sean sitting at the couch looking at his phone. "Hi" I said to him, once he heard my voice he automatically looked at me. "Hey" He answered back to me.

"So where do you wanna discuss our plans and rules? Here or my room?" I asked him. Whenever he hangouts with me he'll always stay at my room but, he got busy with Tate so, I guess it's awkward for him to go to another girl's room. "Nevermind what I said we could jus-"

"Kayc, it's ok. We could stay at your room. It's more comfortable anyways." He cut me off. I felt embarrassed now for saying that.

"Your room changed." He said while looking around at every inch of it.

"I'm sorry." I said.

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