
Considering how you haven't been able to bathe since your stay in Rivendell, you have decided to do exactly that while able to relax at Beorn's homestead. While you're washing your hair, however, the door to the washroom bursts open and you yelp as Kili darts in, eyes firmly shut, and blindly snatches your shirt, pants, and drawers. In an instant, he's gone, careful to close the door after him, and you have to take a moment to process what just happened. You yell after him to no avail and leap out of the bathtub with bright red cheeks and a newfound thirst for the blood of that certain mischievous dwarf who's gone too far. Cursing to yourself in Khuzdul, you scan the room for anything you could use to cover yourself and decide the long blue curtain giving those in the tub extra privacy will have to do. 

Hair dripping wet, dignity fading, and lacking any proper clothing besides your boots, you push open the washroom door- and lo and behold, there's Fili, cheeks very pink as he offers you the items of his brother's thievery. His arms stiffen as he tries not to look through the scanty curtain, holding out your clothes as his cheeks deepen in color.

He says quietly, "Erm, I took these back from Kili, uh-" You jerk them from his hands and quickly whirl back into the washroom, too embarrassed at the moment to thank him. Once you redress yourself, dry your hair a bit then tie it up so it can dry fully outside in the sun, and compose yourself, you relax and walk out of the washroom less red-faced but still craving Kili's misery- and once again, there stands your savior, pacing and wringing his hands. He looks up and immediately scans your body as if to calm himself from the tension of seeing you almost naked, and your cheeks regain the rosy-red they'd just lost.


He blushes as well and coughs, muttering, "Well, you didn't look half-bad in that-" 

You give an indignant huff and smack him across the jaw for those less-than-appropriate words and he yelps, apologizing, but then you lean in and swiftly kiss his cheek and he shuts right up. 

"Innuendo or not, you still helped me out there. Thank you for that," you say sincerely and he nods sheepishly. "Now, where is that snake of a brother of yours? I have a good mind to shave off half of that little beard he has in retribution for this!" 

Fili hesitates, but at The Look™ you give him, he sighs and responds reluctantly, "Hiding in the poplar tree to the left of the yard when you exit the front door," and you are off like lightning, Fili gazing after you with a mixture of adoration for you and fear for Kili.

HCIOY: Your fiery spirit is one of the biggest reasons he fell so hard for you, and as he now observes you chasing Kili around the yard with a small knife to use as a razor, his heart warms yet simultaneously sinks as he notices you're clearly not going to give up your well-deserved revenge anytime soon.

YCIOH: You certainly appreciate how he returned your clothes to you, however, the little comment he made right after sent your heart really racing, and the embarrassment that comes from that sort of feeling is fueling your anger at Kili and his unfavorable 'prank'.


(A/N: Long story short, Thorin begrudgingly allowed you to remain in Erebor after much debating and a promise from you to aid his search for the Arkenstone however possible.)

The sound of coins and jewels and other precious metals and gems cascading over each other is the first thing that alerts Kili to something being amiss. The second is a yelp from a familiar voice as the clamor grows, and he quickly climbs a stack of silver baubles to observe the third: the sight of you magnificently (*cough cough*) sliding down the hills of treasure, scrambling for purchase to no avail. He can't help but laugh at you, normally a quite graceful and poised person, in such a surprising circumstance. Before long, you slip out of his view and he listens as various other members of the Company pick up on the laughter.

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