"Please." I cried.

Yet it continued moving. I could feel it's breath near me yet the reflection made it look so far. Heck, it could've moved a lot faster.
It was teasing me.

I knew what it was. I also knew what was going to happen.

I tried moving. Banging the chair against the floor. I then felt something drip along my face and I saw something fall into the shining puddle, giving it depth. I cautiously looked up only to be drizzled with water all over my face. Be brave. Be brave.

It was icy cold and I was shivering uncontrollably. All this happening, while the cloaked figure moved towards me.

"S-top." I gurgled, as water slid into my mouth
But it didn't listen. It was so close that I could feel the heat pouring from its palm. The light bounced against me and suddenly, I felt a burning blaze against my skin, scalding it. It was painful and it stung. Screaming in pain, I opened my eyes to Ember.


Ember's POV:

Kai's eyes were a pale white with crimson streaks branching from his cyan pupil.
He was breathing intensely and sweating profusely.

"Mghh." Stiles groaned in his sleep. "Shushhh."

I lept upon the bunk bed and grabbed him from his collar, causing him to squeal.
"Get the others now!"

After a few minutes of waiting, the others came marching in the room. Kai was still hyperventilating and he was shivering.

Carol sat on the side of the bed and held his face towards her. "What happened dear?" She whispered gently.
The cheek of this bitch.
She didn't even say hello when she came in the house yet she's going to play mother Theresa.

Kai widened his eyes and I swear I could see a wave splash inside his pupils.
"The- Marker." He got out.

Carol gasped.
"Kai show me your arms." Demanded Aunt Carol. She pulled his sleeves up and grabbed his arm. "Nothing- there's nothing there." she sighed in relief.

Kai's eyes started glowing into a concentrated cyan colour. "It burns here." He said pointing towards his legs, right before he started puking water.

Lexi quickly comforted him, she looked at Carol with her eyebrows raised "What's going on, Aunt?"

Jess went up to Kai, who was shivering in his bed. He had this face of pure fear. His eyes were squinted and he was constantly flinching. It was intimidating. She pulled his socks down like she knew what it was. Upon his ankle laid a faded arc. The same one as me.

"What this mean?" Lexi asked.
We were all speechless. I looked at the print and it was identical. I couldn't help to feel mine tingle on my hand.

"I don't-know." Said Aunt Carol. She took a split second to think and she snapped her fingers. "Come on guys bed."

Although she had this tough face, the shakiness of her voice said otherwise.
There was no dissuading her.
The next day had came. The sun was a dimming bulb and the moon barely hung by a thread. I stayed by Kai throughout the night. I know how it feels to be marked. Yet I already had mine as a birthmark. His was brand-new.
He didn't sleep that much. I don't blame him.

"Kai." I looked over to him. He was lying down. I knew he was awake.

"Kai how are you?" He turned over. He looked at me. He looked...weak. His face was pale white and he looked sickly.

"I feel sick." He replied. I also felt sick. It was probably the fact that we both barely had slept.

"Come on Kai, let's go. We have to go."
I grabbed his hand, attempting to pull him up. He wouldn't budge. So I went without him.
Everyone was waiting in the living room. Everyone except Carol and Kai. Carol was tending to Kai. Someone had to be with him.

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now