Chapter 38

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Anna POV

I head down to breakfast after finishing my shower from when I completed my morning workout this morning. There are not many people down here at the moment, just Marcus and myself at the moment. The men must have had a late night, and I know Marcus Jnr had an early start for training this morning.

"Good morning kitten, I missed you in bed this morning."

"Good morning Marcus, I had an early start for my train...."

Marcus's phone cut me off, "Alex.... What happened.... Yes.... I'm with her now.... Ok, yes, ok I'll tell her.... Bye." He put the phone down. "Now, kitten, don't panic, but there was an injury this morning at training."

"What happened?" I asked, getting nervous.

"Marcus has had a little injury, he's going to be ok, he's in the hospital ward. He has a couple of broken ribs."

"What!" I exclaim jumping up, I rush over to the hospital ward to find out what happened.

"Marcus, baby, are you ok?" I ask, pushing the doctor aside.

"I'm fine mother, no worse than a weekend with grandfather," he replies, smiling.

"Don't give me that bullshit Marcus, you never came home with broken ribs with your grandfather. What happened?"

"A couple of the men were just a little enthusiastic."

"Men? Did you say, men?" I turned around to see Marcus standing at the door. "He said men, not boys, not children but men. What the hell is going on here Marcus?"

Marcus looks up at me, "kitten, Marcus is simply more advanced than the other teenagers, so Alexander thought it would be best to train him with the men instead."

"Are you kiddingme?!? You stay here and look after our son, I'm going to talkto my brother," I announce, storming off to the car.


I slam on the breaks as soon as I'm in the compound. I jump out of the car and hear Alexander's voice, "thanks for the heads up, she's here now."

I storm over to him and slap him hard. "Anna, before you get too angry, remember the people he trains with are all here, you could put his respect amongst the men back by doing this in front of members." I pause slightly, thinking about what he's just said to me. I grab his arm and drag him into Marcus's office, slamming the door behind us. I take a few steps towards the desk, trying to gather my thoughts. "Anna," he starts.

"No! No Alexander! You don't get to talk right now damn it!" I yell at him. I pick up an empty glass and throw it at the wall behind him. I hear it smashing. "He is 9 damn it! 9!"

"Anna, I know, but," He tries again.

"Shut up!" I yell again, throwing a random desk object at the wall again.

"What the hell are you thinking training a 9-year-old with grown men?" I throw a paperweight at the door, leaving a hole.

"Anna," he tries a third time.

"No Alex, I'm not ready to hear from you yet, you just stand there and shut up!" I pick up a chair and throw it at the wall again, creating another hole. "You should be thankful I'm not using my weapons right now." I started pacing again and he just stood there in his 'mafia stance'. "Is this because you have an issue with me? Are you taking this out on my son because of what happened between me and Marcus? Because I am struggling to see why a person with even half a fucking brain cell would train a child with men." I look over to him, waiting until I say he can talk. "He has been training for 9 years and never had broken ribs before, you train him for not even one full day and he's already in the hospital ward. How is that ok?" I take a breath. "I'm going to let you talk now, but I swear to God, if I don't like your answer, I'm going to take my knife and carve you a new tattoo myself. Do you understand?" He nods. "Ok then, speak."

"Anna, I know you're upset, I understand that it's the mother in you coming out, not that there's anything wrong with that," he adds quickly, "but, I ask you to think back to when you and your brother were training. Did you ever get broken bones? I don't think I've ever met a good mafia member who hadn't had a broken bone or two, it's part of what we do. I have him training with the men because that is the standard that he's up to. He's passed where the children are, hell, he's passed where the teenagers are. He needs to be pushed, and in order to do that, he needs to be trained with the other men. The mafia in you knows that this will make him tougher. The mother in you wants to wrap him in cotton wool."

I stop pacing and look at him, damn it, why does he have to be right?

"You're right Alexander, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I think I finally understand how my older brother feels. Damn it, Alex, you better protect my son, or you'll be dealing with me."

"I will always protect your son, as I would you, with my life Anna. You're my Familia, never forget that."

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