Chapter 21

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I finished having a shower and came back into my room, I had another look around, smiling at how perfect this room was for me. It had all of my favorite things in it. I never would have expected this. I walk into my wardrobe to find something to wear. He said casual, but how casual is casual? Does he mean sweatpants and hoodie? Or one step down from a ball gown? What a stupid term.

 He said casual, but how casual is casual? Does he mean sweatpants and hoodie? Or one step down from a ball gown? What a stupid term

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I ended up deciding on wearing something comfortable but hopefully something he'll find nice. At 6 pm there is a knock on my door. I open it to find Marcus standing there, smiling.

"Hello kitten, you look beautiful. Are you ready to go?"

"Thank you, Marcus, yes, I'm ready."

We begin walking down the hallway towards the front door when I see Damien approaching, smiling at me.

"Hello Anna, I hear you beat my son's time of the knife course today!"

"I did Damien," I reply, smiling back at him.

He gave a little chuckle, "I do believe you've upset him a little, he seems to be angrier than usual this evening."

I laugh, "I do apologize, I can get a little competitive at times."

"Don't apologize, it gives him something to work towards. He's always been the best knife handler we've had here; I don't think he likes that there is someone better than him now."

"Well, my father always told me that there is always someone out there who is better than you and so you must strive to become better constantly."

"Your father is correct Anna, although I must say, I think we'd be hard-pressed to find someone better than you at the moment with knives."

Marcus gave a little cough, "father, we're heading out on our date, can this conversation wait for another time?"

"Of course son, you two have fun," smile Damien.

I nod my head as Marcus and I continue to walk out to the car.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" I ask for about the 15th time.

"No, because that would ruin the surprise."

"Fine," I huff, crossing my arms.

He chuckled at me, "we're not far away now kitten."

We soon came to a lake where he parked the car. "Do you trust me kitten?"

I nod, "with my life."

"Then close your eyes and let me carry you." I closed my eyes and felt him pick me up and carry me bridal style. It wasn't long before he put me back down, "open your eyes kitten."

"It's beautiful Marcus!"

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"It's beautiful Marcus!"

"I'm glad you like it kitten, let's sit down." I noticed Sarah and Angela, the maids from the house standing nearby. Marcus noticed me looking, "they're here to help tonight kitten."

I smile at him and stretch out my hands so that I can hold his. "Marcus, can I ask you something?"

"You can ask me anything beautiful."

"Is Alexander really upset that I beat his record?"

He laughed, "of all the questions I thought you might ask me, that wasn't one of them. I don't think he's upset per se; I think his ego is just a little bruised is all. He's genuinely happy for you, he just didn't think anyone would beat his record."

"oh, ok then, do you think he would mind if I asked him to redo the course with me? I was thinking perhaps the two of us could create a different course, one for multiple people to take at once, like a team effort?"

Marcus nodded, "I think that's a good idea, you should ask him about it tomorrow. Anna, kitten, as much as I like to talk about my brother on our date, perhaps we could talk about something else?"

I blushed, "of course, sorry, it was just on my mind."

"No problem kitten, but I would prefer to leave work alone for a little bit, maybe concentrate on knowing you better?"

"I have a question for you actually Marcus,"

"Another one?"

I smiled, "yes, but this one is about you."

"Go for it."

"well, after my little discussion with Davis, I started thinking. He mentioned women being next door for the men to sleep with. Is that a normal thing?"

"straight to the point hey kitten? Yes, we have women who live at the compound for members to sleep with. I think you'll find that most people in our line of work either have women available to them like that, or they have fuck buddies who they call regularly. Having a girlfriend or a wife is considered a weakness, so most of us don't have one as it just makes it harder to try and protect that particular person, especially if you're not serious about them."

"Do you sleep with them or do you have a fuck buddy?"

"I had a fuck buddy. I have not slept with anyone since I met you kitten. What about you? You've been surrounded by men your entire life, I'm sure many of them hit on you being that you're so beautiful."

I shook my head, "no, I never went out with anyone. And if Andrew and my father thought I had even thought about sleeping with someone that person would have been dead before I had the chance to."

"I would be that way if I had a daughter as well, so I completely understand. I have a question for you now kitten. Can you tell me something that you've never told anyone before?"

I thought about it for a moment. "I know that my brother and father love me, but I don't feel like it's a family love, I feel like it's more of a friend love because they were always going out, and I was never allowed to know what was happening with them growing up, so I felt like they were more of a friend then a family member."

"Wow, thank you for sharing that, it must have been difficult."

"It was, but it was all I knew. Now it's your turn. Tell me something you've never told someone before."

Marcus turned my hand over and held it with both of his hands and looked me in the eye, "I've fallen in love with you."

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