Chapter 9

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Anna POV

I hear the door open and shut, it wakes me up instantly, although I keep my eyes shut to see what happens next. I feel a dip in the bed and I prepare to reach for a knife. "Wake up kitten," comes a voice I was starting to recognize, "we have arrived." I open my eyes and smile at Marcus who is smiling down at me. I sit up on the bed and stretch. "Did you enjoy your rest?" he asks me.

"Yes, I did thank you, Marcus. May I ask what time is it?"

"You may, it is 3 am, we made good time. I have texted my Familia and they are excited to meet you this morning. So, we should get you home so you can have a better sleep."

I get up off of the bed and carefully walk out of the plane. Marcus stays behind me the entire time, I'm not sure if there is a reason for it, or if he just wants to make sure I'm not going to check to see what they were doing while I was asleep. Outside, Alex and Justin were already in the car. Marcus opened the door for me and we both got it. I started looking out of the window.

I heard Marcus chuckle, "There isn't really much to see out there at the moment kitten, it's pretty dark."

I shrug at him, "I know, but looking out of the window when I'm traveling has always comforted me, ever since I was a little child. I remember that whenever father was busy with his work and couldn't really spend a lot of time with us, Andrew used to always sit next to me and we'd play eye spy when we were looking out of the window and it always made me feel better. Like I was still important I guess, I don't know, I just really enjoyed it, and yes, I am now aware that I am rambling and giving you much more information than is required, so I'm just going to stop talking now. Sorry." I mumbled.

Marcus reached over and gently placed his hand on top of mine, "I enjoy learning new things about you, no matter how small kitten," he replied, before winking at me. I blush again and find myself looking at my lap again, I have a feeling that this may be a very interesting month. It was about another 20 minutes before we reached their house, or should I say mansion. It was bigger than our home and absolutely stunning. We enter through the heavily guarded gates and I start fidgeting. The car stops, Alex and Justin both got out of the car, but Marcus remained in his seat for a moment. I go to exit the car but Marcus stops me. "One moment kitten." I look at him and I notice his eyes change, most people would probably be scared of this, but I am not, I am used to seeing this. It's what I call 'mafia eyes', it's part of the mafia switch. I can see that Marcus is going into full mafia mode. "Now, you are our guest here for the next month, I will protect you as I will for the rest of my Familia, however, you must remember where you are. I know that you have respect for your own mafia, and I expect you to have the same respect for mine as well. It will serve you well to remember who you are. You are the enemy here, you are the one without backup from your family, not me, and not my mafia. Do you understand?"

I smirk at him, "Why Marcus, I do believe you are trying to intimidate me."

He grabs hold of both of my cheeks using one of his hands and squeezes, not enough to bruise me, but enough to remind me who I was dealing with. "Not trying Anna, just reminding you who is in charge around here."

"With all due respect Marcus, I will be respectful to you and all of your other members unless they give me a reason not to be. If, however, I find another Justin, I will protect myself in any way I see fit. If that is a problem for you, then I'm sorry to inform you that you have invited the wrong woman into your house for the next month. I will not be stood over. Oh, and also, please remember that I have been bought up in the mafia my entire life, your scare tactics better be damn good if you want to scare me." I pull his hand away from my face and get out of the car, without waiting for a response. As I am straightening out my clothes, Marcus comes up behind me and places his hand on the small of my back. He escorts me up to the front door and it is opened before he gets a chance to put his hand out for the handle.

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