Chapter 20

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Anna POV

Marcus's parents, Damien and Patricia have moved into the house with us while they are renovating their own house. I have been enjoying having them around, as I hardly see Marcus at the moment. He's been very busy. Damien has been wonderful, he loves me like my father does, however, I actually get to spend time with him, so it's been absolutely wonderful. Patricia has been so kind to me, but she seems to spend a lot of time by herself, I don't mind that. I'm guessing that's what she's used to. Being the wife of a mafia leader couldn't have been easy for her, she probably just wants some quiet time now.

"Good morning Damien, how are you this morning?" I ask when I walk into the dining room.

Good Anna, how had your morning been?"

"I pushed myself during my gym session this morning, all of this wonderful food is making me unfit! I really want to do some knife training at some point today as well. I think I should talk to Marcus about it, but I never get to see him much at the moment."

"I'm sorry my kitten," says Marcus as he enters the room. "I know I've been busy; I was hoping perhaps we could go out tonight?"

I smile at him, "sure, I'd love that. Can I do some knife training today though?"

He thinks about it while pouring a coffee, "sure, I'll get Cole to take you over to the compound. Be ready for our date at 6 pm?"

"Ok, what do I need to wear?"

"Something comfortable."

"Ok, I hope you have a good day Marcus, I'll see you tonight," I say to him, standing up to go and find Cole. I am desperate to start using my blades again. I have missed it so much.


Cole takes me into the training room at the compound. It takes me a second to take it in. They have an area set up specifically for knives, one for guns, both a boxing ring and a cage for hand to hand combat, as well as the normal punching bags and fighting dummies. I look at Cole, "there's also an obstacle course for endurance and a training course for knives and guns out that door over there if you want me to show you?"

"Sure, I only have a couple of knives on me though, can I grab some of the ones from here to use on the course?"

"Sure, come with me, I'll take you through to the weapon and armory rooms.

I grab some more knives and as I walk out, I notice there's quite a lot of men staring at me. Since this is the first time I've really been in the compound looking around, and definitely the first time I've been in the training room, not many of the members would know me yet.

"Shit Cole, what the hell is she doing here?" asked someone from across the room.

"She's here to train Davis," replies Cole

"Train for what? The whores are in the next room over sweet cheeks," he says laughing.

"I am not a whore," I say plainly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, would you prefer the term slut then? Either one is fine with me. I know you can't be here for actual training, we're not soft enough to let girls in the mafia darlin'."

That's it, he crossed the line. "Actually Davis," begins Cole. I put my hand up to stop him, I storm over to Davis and shove him hard. He stumbles backward, "Listen, dickhead, I am not a whore, nor am I a slut. And just for the record, is there a reason why you won't let women in the mafia? Is it because you're too insecure about your abilities, or perhaps just your manhood to let us fight with you?" I ask him.

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