Chapter 23

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Anna POV

I sat next to Marcus during dinner as per usual. I had Damien and Patricia to my right and opposite me was Alexander, with Tylor, Pyro, Davis, Cole and a couple more. There usually weren't that many members around when I ate meals, but I didn't mind, it was nice to have a full table for once.

"How is your arm Anna?" asked Alexander.

I shot him a dirty look, "it would be better if you knew how to use a knife properly, but considering the circumstances, it's fine thank you."

Patricia looked over to my arm and then to Alexander, "what happened to your arm Anna?" she asked me.

"Boy genius over here decided to see if I bleed as much as the training dummies on the new knife course we're trying to set up."

"Oh. Are you ok?" she asked.

"I will be when my 20 odd stitches heal. Although, I do suggest putting him back through basic knife handling skills."

Alexander smirked, "you have quite a little firecracker on your hands, don't you Marcus?"

"I prefer the term dynamite," I mutter.

Marcus smirked as he looked down at his phone.

"Marcus," announced Damien, "we need to discuss this week's trip to Italy."

Everyone at the table looked up, apparently not expecting this topic to come up at the dinner table.

"Yes, I'm aware of that father," started Marcus

"No time like the present then, is there?"

Marcus glanced at me, "perhaps after dinner would be more suitable?"

Damien shook his head, "I have plans after dinner, we'll do it now, considering we're leaving tomorrow morning." I looked over at Marcus again. He was leaving the country and he never thought to tell me about it? More hiding, more lies. "Who's coming with us? I know we have contacts over there, but we have to at least bring a team with us, don't we? Especially considering your mother is coming as well, and I'm not having her left alone over there." Patricia was going as well? Would I be left here completely by myself? Did he care at all? I had reached my limit for the day. If I stayed at this table any longer, I was going to disrespect everyone here and would probably end up dead.

I put down my knife and fork and stood up to leave. Marcus took hold of my hand, "Where are you going kitten, sit back down and finish your meal."

I stared at him with my 'mafia face', "I've lost my appetite," I say as I pull my arm from his hold and walk towards the staircase.

"I would rather you stay kitten," Marcus called out after me. I turned to face him, I saw everyone in the room looking at me, I had to be careful what I said right now.

"I'm sorry, sir, but as I am notconsidered to be a part of this mafia, and this conversation is regarding amission I don't believe I should be in the room during this particulardiscussion. Good night," I say with a small nod of my head towards him, beforeI turn back around and climb the stairs up to my room.


I knew it was only a matter of time before he came to talk to me, although I had still locked my door and had no desire to unlock it. He apparently had a key, if he wanted to speak to me so badly, he could use it.

Knock, knock, knock. I ignored it. Knock, knock, knock. I turned over so I wasn't even facing the door anymore. Knock, knock, knock.

"Anna? Anna, it's Tylor, can I come in please?"

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