Chapter 26

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*Mature content in this chapter*

1 week later

"Ok Cole, Pyro, we've worked on your accuracy and you've both greatly approved. Now though, we have to work on the courses. I know you've done a few of the ones I've set up, but I want this week to be about teamwork, you need to rely on each other to get through this course. Don't focus on the time, the time will come with practice, I want you to focus on accuracy and each other. I'm going to follow you on each course, so please try to not hit me, although I don't think you'll see me, to be honest. Now, Cole, you're looking for the black targets, Pyro you're after the white ones. Remember teamwork, without teamwork, you will not get through this course successfully. Now, show me what you can do!"

This was sofrustrating to watch, I could see all of the mistakes they were making, theywere too focused on finding the targets and not watching each other at all.It's a good thing I'm recording this, I'm going to make them watch it afterward so they can see what I'm talking about.


"Ok guys, that was good. A few things that could be improved, but there were a few things to work on. Let's go inside and I want you to sit down and review your performance, I'm going to show you what you can improve."

"This is bullshit!" growled Pyro.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I hit every one of my targets, so did Cole, what the fuck are you complaining about. You have us training from 6 until 6 every fucking day and I still have no idea what the fuck you're trying to pull here."

Pyro starts storming towards the door, as the final white dummy swings out from behind the tree.

I whisper to Cole, "I'm sorry for this." I grab him around the neck and hold my knife to his throat.

Pyro looks around and sees both the white dummy and me with a knife to Cole's throat.

"What the hell are you doing? Are you fucking crazy?" he yells at me, standing there with his knives in his hand

"You have a decision to make Pyro, you can either hit your last dummy and get a good mark and time, or you can hit me and save your partner." He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Please Anna, please don't do this," mutters Cole, unable to move.

"Well Pyro, what the fuck are you going to do?"

"Are you fucking insane? Of course, I'm not going to hit you."

"So, you would rather your partner and friend die than hit someone who is threatening their life? Members can change their alliances at any time Pyro, you know this. What is your decision? Your partner, who is relying on you in this course to protect him, the same partner who saved you earlier from the dummy who was behind you, which one are you going to hit Pyro. Your time is running out!" I yell as I press the knife harder against his throat. Any harder and I would be drawing blood, which I really want to do.

"You wouldn't kill Cole, he's a member and your friend."

"I have lost count of how many people I've killed by slitting their throat Pyro, it doesn't even both me anymore. Decide! Now!"

Pyro shook his head, he raised his hand, shakily, and threw the knife into my arm, then he used another knife and hit the dummy. I let go of Cole and pull the knife out of my arm and hand it back to him. "Good choice Pyro, you need to learn that your partner needs to come before anything else, you should never hesitate when fighting with someone, Cole needed you, and if I had killed him then you would have twice the amount of people to kill and no one to have your back. Don't you understand how important this shit is?"

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