Chapter 29 [2/2]

Depuis le début

I did grab some of Lyra's books when she wasn't looking.

I grab one that were like a mini dictionary.

I read it and learned that Pegasus can fly and control clouds and weather.

But, we heard a scream after.

Alerted so suddenly, we run into the bushes near someone's cottage.

The rainbow maned pony flies away suddenly.

Then, some mare of pink flowing hair comes from a chicken stock farm.

Spotting the rainbow maned pony, she says something quietly a bit. "Rainbow Dash?"

I went for it, trying to do that teleport spell.

We end up in another bush, but one in the forest we saw.

A light shines within the darkness.

A unicorn illuminates the area with her horn.

We get some close up look of 2 other ponies.

Not what I was expecting.

I mean, most of the ponies I've seen is colorful.

That unicorn was dark. I'm not sure, but she might not be from this town or so..

"Oh, this is just perfect! That little upstart is going to ruin everything!"

The stallion with wings complained. Not sure what happened..

But it seemed really serious at one point.

"She won't tell; there's no way she can afford telling anyone about those pictures."

"Then why didn't she cooperate?!" He yells.

Noticing the mare tenses up a bit, she stays silent.

"Do you realize we're SUNK if she opens her mouth?!" I felt like this is a fight.

She's silent once again. The stallion just sighs.

"It could still work out.. I just have to beat her the old-fashioned way."

I wanted to pop out of the bush, but Bodil puts me down.

He puts his hoof over is mouth, indicating to be quiet and see how this turns out.

"That.. Sonic Rainboom thing was probably just over exaggerated, right?"

She seems to be not listening so much, more to be so, upset.

"Yeah.." Finally answering, but in an upseting tone.

As for the stallion, he was kept silent.

"What's with you? You've been like that since we got here."

"Like what?"

"All dodgy.. And you mope whenever we talk." His expression turns serious.

She looked away for a moment, but faces back.

"There was.. Actually something I wanted to tell you after this whole thing went through.."

"What is it?" He walks towards her.

She tenses up as I see it.

"I was.. Going to give you this..But perhaps it's better if I tell you."

"T-Tell me what..?"

She hesitated for a moment. "I can't help you do this anymore.."

His expression turns really.. Really bad..

".. What?"

"These scandals we're pulling, I think we've gone too far!"

"Too far?! Pfft! It's not like anypony is getting hurt!"

Ah.. I see how this is a fight now..

"No, we're exploiting vulnerabilities and weaknesses of innocent athletes just for our fame and fortune!"

"What exactly are you trying to say here, Sonata..?" Oh.. That's her name.

"Either you come clean and tell the truth about how you've been winning all this time, or I.. I quit.."

"Are you joking?! You can't quit! I can't do this without you!"

His eyes looked like it was gonna burn to death. He glares at her so deadly.

"Then.. Then you'll go down with me! If I'm caught you'll be caught too; you're just as guilty!"

Bodil shakes my shoulder.

"Enough of this.. We need to get out.." He whispers.

I nod and try to teleport.

Hopefully the two ponies didn't noticed the flash.

We land near the cottage. We just ran from behind.

Once we tired to run, we saw that stallion fly up.

He crashes down, as we heard.

A cloud strikes a stick in his mouth.

Not sure how that happened.

I fainted after a bit though.

I guess it was too much energy from the teleportation.

As I remember, Bodil carried me somewhere.

Sorry this took long! Anyways! Sorry for any mistakes! See ya! ^.^

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