I Have A What?

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Evelyn Sharma playing Rachel Robby.

Enjoy! And please, vote and comment! It's keeps me writing!

I stretched out, yawning, and reached down to pull the overs over my head that had slipped down sometime in my sleep. I fumbled around for a little, trying to find my polka-dotted sheets, but instead my fingers only reached something fuzy.

I sprang back, and yelped at the furry surprise. What the heck was that? My voice came out course and it sounded like a high-pitched roar. My eyes flew open and I stopped for a moment. I swivelved my head back and forth confused at what was happening. I saw my glasses on my night stand and I sat there pondering how could I see so well? I was blind as a bat when I didn't wear my glasses. And now... Now, I could see outside and into my neighbours window across the street?

Woah, was Kyle wearing pink boxers?

What was happening?!

I stopped peeking inside my neighbours window, although I wouldn't have minded watching a little longer. Across the street was my secret crush. Now, I know it sounds cliche to say that i'm in love ith the boy across the street, but I actually was. I never actually had a conversation more than five minutes with him when I was getting the mail, but he was smokin!

Taking my mind off of Kyle, I looked around. I was in my bed sure, but when I looked to find my hands, all I saw was grey fuzz.

I really need to shave...

Yup, leave it to me to think of my looks at a time as confusing as this.

Wait a second, grey fuz. I lowered my head further, but something felt funny, like it was out of place. My limbs and every muscle inside of me ached and I had a peculiar sensation coming from my hind legs. I rolled over, and when I did, I gasped.

Well, I tried to gasp, but no sound came out at all. Above me, were two furry paws, delicately poised in the air as if they were batting an invisible ball of yarn. I stretched out, hoping to find my hand, but instead, the grey arm moved. I wiggled my fingers, but nothing happened.

"Mom!" I tried calling out, but it sounded like a Meowr.

No, no, no. This was not happening what so ever. I spun back around and brought a paw up my face and I tried to bat it, hoping that I would be able to wake up from this nightmere. Nothing happened and I resorted to puncturing myself with my own claw. Pain surged through me and bits of my fur turned red whent the blood began to seep through.

Wait a second. My fur? So now I'm talking like this belongs to me? What. Is. Happening?

I walked over to the edge if my bed and looked down at my shag rug trying to remember what happened yesterday.

I had got up for school at 6:30 slapping my alarm clock as I went. I rolled over on my side before dragging myself out of bed. I didn't understand why I needed to go, I mean, it was the last day before spring break -- in other words, nobody would be there and who ever came would be stuck watching lame movies or watch couples make out in the hallways.

Every year during this week me and my dad have gone to someplace exotic. Weather it was Hawaii, Mexico, Cuba, the Dominican, or Brazil, we would be there. This year, we had planned to go to Maui and have a get away up in a mountainside villa overlooking the ocean.

Since my parents were divorced my dad took it as his job to make sure I had the best vacation ever year to make up for the time we didn't get to spend together. He was a business man and earned enough to feed every starving child in Africa, but instead he spent it on me and my mom. Now I wasn't to spoiled, I had to buy my own car and I had a job, but I don't have to worry about the little things when it comes to money.

My dad still very much loves my mom so he's been supporting her ever since she signed the separation papers when I was two. They have joint custody but I tend to stay at my moms more, despite the law, because my dads alway at meetings in some far away country. That's why our get away is so important to him.

But this year, he couldn't go. Some stupid meeting his boss decided on was taking place in the Alps and anyone who didn't go could find a new job. I had tried asking my best friend, Ally, to come with me, but she and her boyfriend, Rice, were heading to Mexico for beer, bikinis, and blasting music.

I diligently went to school yesterday, but after seeing that Ally had left with Rice already, I decided to go shopping for my vacation; thanks for the credit card, daddy!

When I came home with a trunk full of bags from brand name stores, my mom absolutely exploded. I guess she had been having a bad day or something, because seeing me just threw her overboard. We got in a heated argument really quick, yelling at each other about things that didn't even relate to what we had been talking about before.

I spent at least ten minutes telling her how hard-done by I was and how she treated me like a slave. She called me a good for nothing, spoiled rotten, heartless teenager and let's just say I went to bed without any supper. The last thing I wished for that night before falling asleep was an easier life.

Well thanks, God. I didn't exactly ask to be a cat. I am a Christian, born and raised, so I knew there had to be a bit of a logical reasoning behind this phenomenon. I hopped off of my bed, surprised at how much power I had in my hind legs and walked over to my body mirror.

Yup. It was certain. I was a cat -- and not only that, but my cat, Dexter

For some reason, I actually wasn't freaked out any more. I knew there had to be a reason for this and if not, I would hopefully wake up from whatever nightmare this was and go back to my real life.

I was about to try to jump up on my bed when I got a weird sensation from, you know, down there.

Wait a second, if I'm a guy cat, that means I have a...


Now I was freaked out.

Authors note:

Sorry for the late update, I am working on my other book, Because of a Death, too so these will be a bit slower. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please suggest any ideas you have about what could happen with the plot. I have a fairly good idea about how I'm going to twist all of your minds, mwahahaha, but I love to hear thoughts. Thanks!

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