Chapter 14 part 3

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My plan works, and I pick up the chakram, throwing the club out of the way in the process. I unclip the two blades at the centre, now able to have one blade in each hand. However, the time taken to do this has allowed the creatures to get closer again, and one of them grabs at my shoulders, pulling me backwards. I try to slice it with a blade but don't manage to cut deep enough to do any real damage, and its blistery hand comes around my front to grab at my neck. Its grip is extremely strong, and immediately it becomes difficult to breathe. Again I try to slice at its arm which I now have a better view of, and this time it works, not seeming enough to hurt it much but distracting it for long enough for me to move away.

I now try to run again, slicing my blades at the creatures in my way, which for the most part seems effective in distracting them. Although it is still difficult, as they continue to grab at me and attempt to pull me back. One of them manages to grab at my hair, but they soon let go when I turn and its elbow becomes the next victim. This provides me with an opening to get away, and not wanting to stay any longer, I take the opportunity.

A slight feeling of relief floods my chest - there is considerably less creatures in the surrounding area now, as I assume they were all occupied with me, so it's fairly easy to pass through the trees to God knows where. It almost feels peaceful, as despite the fact that I can still hear the creatures in the distance, the sounds get ever further away to the point where I can now hear the birds around me, chirping as if there isn't an army of creatures destroying their homes.

My side still burns, but I push on, a slight dampness forming on my upper cheek. But I don't feel a bit of sadness, I just wish I knew where I am supposed to go. I don't know where any safe houses are, and I don't even know if Eros is alright, but I can't safely find that out. I'm lucky that the chakram's blades are deadly enough and that the creatures were obviously not very smart, because otherwise with my inexperience I should not have made it here in one piece.

The urge to take a break catches up, and I look behind me to see how far away I am. At this point I can't even see the creatures, so I stop running, trying to catch my breath. My side now seems to sting an incredible amount more than I remember it doing during the chaos, and I find myself having to lean against a tree for support, clipping my chakram blades back together so that I have a hand free. I lift my top to find that my entire side is bright red, with a few lumps forming here and there. I poke about at it a little, finding that nothing is at least badly out of place, although I'm sure I couldn't have gotten this far if there was something seriously wrong. I'll just have to hope that it's only a bad bruise for now with not really being able to get to someone who might know better. I just wish I had some painkillers, or even just my phone, which isn't in my pocket, though I can't remember if it ever was before or whether it just fell out.

I close my eyes, taking in as deep a breath as possible without hurting my side. I know I have to keep going, but I just feel the urge to sleep, my body not feeling all that willing to move, the adrenaline from earlier having worn off and exhaustion now taking over and my body going into a mildly relaxed state.

Quickly, however, I am forced to snap out of this. A deep rumble reaches my ears, and my eyes snap open, following the direction of the sound. I move away from the tree, Roma's empty white eyes staring at me as I do so. I quickly unclip my chakram again, holding one blade in both hands, knowing that I wont be able to run from him now. He stalks closer, and I clench my hands tightly around the handles of my blade, slowly stepping back. He notices the movement and I hear his murderous growl. My eyes widen. I turn, attempting to run. But by that point, he has already pounced.

I feel a sharp pain, which spreads throughout my entire body, and I feel extremely dizzy, black spots filling my vision. For the first time since all of this chaos began, I feel true hopelessness, knowing that I can't fight, and nobody can save me.

Author's note:

This one took a while but hopefully now I have quite a bit of extra time more will be on the way shortly!!

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