Chapter 6

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Did he just say Emily Winston?

He couldn't have.

However, if Alec's pleading expression gives any indication, I'd say I'd heard correctly.

Does that mean that he is involved too?

But that's not possible. We've known each other for over a decade, he would never do something like that.

This must be some kind of sick joke. Has to be.

I scan Alec's face, looking for any sign that I am somehow mistaken. When I find nothing but an apologetic sort of grimace, anger starts to take over and my fists clench painfully. Now standing, I glare at him. "Tell me it's a lie. Tell me that what I'm thinking is wrong."

He gulps. "I... I can't, Ria," he takes a deep breath, pausing briefly and looking towards Becca, who seems to have just reappeared from thin air. I didn't even realise she had left the room.

She steps forward, taking my hand in hers and giving me a pitiful smile. "You should hear us out Ria, it's really not as bad as it sounds."

I snatch my hand back, the anger pooling into my eyes as I glare at the three of them. "Really? So this whole kidnapping my sister business isn't actually bad then? Or illegal? And didn't get me kicked out?!" I turn to face the two siblings, who stand side by side wearing the same sullen mask. "And you two. I have known you, trusted you, for more years than I can remember. You really better have a damn near brilliant excuse."

My fists are clenching uncontrollably, tremors running throughout my body. I don't know the extent of their involvement, but Emily's disappearance is the very reason I got kicked out and hurt. Are only letting me stay out of guilt, not friendship?

Suddenly, a hand finds itself on my shoulder. I whirl around, to see the smartass himself watching me with an unidentifiable emotion in his eyes. "Their involvement is purely observational. They had nothing to do with the apprehension of the girl."

Like that makes it any better. They still knew.

"Observational in what sense? Doesn't change the fact that my staying here is just a pity party. They knew exactly what happened and didn't do anything about it. They didn't even have the balls to tell me!"

He sighs. "Perhaps you should sit back down so that I can try to explain the situation," gesturing to the chair I was previously on, he watches me expectantly. I don't want to let him try to explain. I already know the three of them are only going to come out with a load of bollocks excuses to try and shut me up. However, I can almost feel the weight of his suggestion throughout my body, as if it was, in fact, not a suggestion at all. It's as if there is some kind of powerful undertone, warning me that I should obey. I therefore comply with his wishes reluctantly, hoping that at some point there will be a silver lining presented.

I watch as he turns to Becca, his stiff, straight posture giving off a more business like feel now. "How much does she actually know?"

She looks down, picking at the polish on her nails, before mumbling a quiet "Nothing."

Suddenly, his stance turns undeniably powerful, fury rolling off of him. He appears to be quaking, and the raw power that I only got a mere glimpse of before thickens the air to a sludge. Fists balled, he gives Becca a deadly glare. "WHAT!" He roars, his deep voice accompanied by a rough edge, rather similarly to the way Edmund does sometimes.

If I'd have drank anything with my meal, I may well have just pissed myself.

I think Becca might have done.

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