Chapter 20

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Emily snuggles up to me in her sleep, not noticing the stream of light that covers us coming from the window. Eros came back into the house after their 'bonding'  session with her already fallen asleep in his arms and she hasn't woken since. It's strange; I'd normally expect her usually fussy attitude to have been triggered by the airbed we have been provided with, yet not once has she complained. Aside from her kicking me occasionally in her sleep she hasn't done anything to keep me (or anyone else) from getting some rest, and she'll have had a decent amount herself when she wakes, so I can't really complain. Albeit I must admit I do miss her sass, even the tantrums. She must have been incredibly tired to have such a peaceful night.

Gently, I move her little arms from me before sitting up and stretching. The airbed may not be the most glamarous thing in existence but it's certainly better than sleeping on the floor using a bag for a pillow, so my muscles are protesting a little after having been able to relax. Across from Emily and I, Alec and Kellen share another airbed, and Becca is sleeping in a rustic armchair by the wall with a blanket draped over her lap. It doesn't sound like anyone else is awake yet, so I quietly tip-toe into the kitchen, trying not to trip over Kellen's outstretched hand as I go.

Once I reach the kitchen, I find a snoring Prince, his head resting on the table next to an open pack of biscuits. What a sight this is - I laugh internally. His hair has flopped in front of his face, and upon closer inspection there seems to be a puddle of drool on the table and biscuit crumbs stuck to his cheek. I never even realised he snored so loudly. Sounds more like a wild boar being chased by an old tractor than a bouncing fairy prince.

Grabbing myself a glass, I pour myself some water, attempting to be as quiet as possible, but failing at the slight squeeking sound of the tap. Behind me, Eros begins to rouse.

Why, oh tap water gods?

He groans, looking up at me breifly and squinting. I can barely hold back a laugh at the state of him. Rubbing his neck, he screws up his face and lets out a croaky "Wha?" and I can't hold it in anymore.

"You got a little something," I point to my cheek, giggling. He touches his face, groaning again when he feels the crumbs and attempts to wipe them away with his sleeve. I pass him my glass before turning to grab another and taking a swig. "I can't believe you went to sleep on a table."

"I had things to take care of," he rubs his eyes.

"How long were you up for?" I do hope he didn't intend to stay up for the whole night. I know we need a plan, but if he's acting like a zombie from lack of sleep we probably won't get very far.

"You know it is my responsibility to lead," he responds to my thought, making me roll my eyes. Of course even in the morning while half alseep he's still poking around people's heads.

"That doesn't mean you should have to figure everything out alone on little to no sleep."

He raises a brow, propping his head on his fist. "I'm open to ideas if you have any."

Well, I won't pretend like he doesn't have a point. I don't have any ideas, but then I don't know the first thing about their world or anything in it. On top of that, the other's don't seem to be doing much to help either, not even bringing it up since he walked out - save for (maybe) Mahlia who I noticed talking to him before we went to bed. Everyone seems pretty reliant on him to fix everything. Prince or not, that's a lot of pressure to put on someone when they're all supposed to be a team. Where I come from, even royalty has advisors.

Maybe even just talking it through would help. I might not be able to come up with any ideas of my own but maybe being forced to think about it slightly differently might give him something tangible to work with while giving me a little context. "I know Roma is a problem now, but is there anyone else we need to keep away from?"

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