Famous words of every two-incher

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        This chapter is dedicated to Sam, because of the awesome banner she made for me. —->


        Ryder's POV

  People say that the best way to release anger is to avoid situations that will trigger it. In my opinion, the best way to release anger was to use someone as your personal punching bag. Best. Method. Ever. If that makes me an asshole, so be it. Punching someone directly in their stupid face is exactly what I needed tonight. 

        After Oliver had so rudely interrupted my much needed time with a punch bag, I found the perfect little spot away from any annoying assholes who wanted to pry. An isolated patch on the beach, with overgrown grass and just the right size of rocks to sit on, hidden by huge rocks surrounding it. It was a little ways from the carnival, but you could still here the screams and the noise of the rides in the background.

        I wasn't in the mood for people. I wasn't in the mood for anything. Hearing bad news, yet again, from Dr. Gray, had sent me over the edge and I just needed to sit and wallow in self pity. I realize that sounds like something a girl would do, but right now, I was so not judging them. Wallowing was the best thing ever.

        "Yikes, that's quite the bruise," Casey's voice floated through the air towards me, turning slightly towards her, I glared.

        "Go away," I mumbled, my voice distant. At the moment I wasn't going to be good company, and if she was smart she would listen and walk away. But, we were talking about Casey here. Instead of walking away, she did the exact opposite.

        Once she was seated on the rock opposite to the one I was sitting on, she thrusted a small bag with ice in it, my way. Slowly raising my eyes to her, I rounded up all the anger I had in me and tried to convey it with just one glare. When she rolled her eyes and shoved the bag into my lap, I growled. "Go away and take your ice with you."

        She sighed and rolled brown eyes heavenward. "Stop being a big baby and put the ice on your knuckles. Even though you want to act like a big badass, I know they're hurting like a mother trucker ran over them."

        "And how would you know that?" I taunted, staring at her with spiteful eyes.

        "I once punched my mom in the jaw, was amazing but hurt like a bitch for the next four days." She shrugged nonchalantly, like that piece of information wasn't the least bit shocking. I couldn't help but show my shock as my eyes widened and my eyebrows lowered. "If you think the Queen family in Arrow is dysfunctional, you should meet mine." I raised an eyebrow at 'Arrow'. "Comic book?" I shook my head, "Made into an awesome television series?" My eyebrow went up further. The fudge was she spewing about? "Seriously? It's probably the best super hero series on television at the moment!"

        "Casey, I am begging you, please go away!" I replied, mustering as much annoyance as I could into my voice.

        "Nope, not until you tell me what's up with you," she answered, her eyes determined.

        "Fine. I'm pmsing," I replied dryly.

        "So far, I've been on three rides, and I love carnivals," she ignored my reply and decided to tell me about her night. I snorted, that much was obvious, judging by the banner going down from her shoulder to her waist with the words 'This girl loves carnivals.' She glanced down at herself and laughed. "I won it at a trivia, right over...there." She pointed to her left with a laugh.

        "That's a pathetic prize." She rolled her eyes and I shrugged. I could feel my anger dissipating with the seconds and I didn't like it. I didn't like that she stuck around when I told her not. She was too stubborn for her own good.

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