This place just had a weird feeling. Bone chilling. I know that it would be inevitable for Stiles to be like this and the same with me, I guess. Yet, they too felt almost repelled from it.

Maybe I'm just overthinking.

"Well..." Stammered Jess, who shifted around uncontrollably, trying to break the tension.

No need for exchanging formalities. I decided to be the first one to go. Slowly, I walked towards it.

I was right next to it. The stone carvings looked mesmerising. Years of history was whittled on here. I almost feel bad, that because of us, this place is secluded. More people should be able to relish in the scenery. Nevertheless nature's a bitch-so.

Just as I was about to touch it. Suddenly, the ground tumbled. I stumbled backwards, against someone.

I turned around and to my surprise, the rest of them were right behind me. It wasn't much, but it felt like a lot.

"Earthquake?" Asked Kai, with a hint of fear in his voice.

"No. At least I don't think so." Added Jess, who thrashed side to side. She was leaning on Lexi, who leaned back on Jess.

"Then what!" Shrieked Lexi.

Jess turned to face something and gasped.

I turned to where she was looking. The well.

"The rift. It's being swallowed." She screeched.

The ground cracked as it slid open.

"Someone stop it!" Pleaded Jess, yet either we were too stunned or it was too shrew.

The well sank into the crevices beneath the ground, as the sides collided, sealing it off.

It had stopped shaking, but my heart was pacing rapidly.

"W-what just happened?" Questioned Stiles, who was looking, at where the well just stood. Instead there was nothing. No cracks or signs, that anything was once there.

I was about to speak but was interrupted by a entourage of chirps.

"What do we do?' Asked Lexi hopelessly, as she shifted closer to Jess.

"T-the rift. It's gon- LOOK OUT!" Roared Jess as she and Lexi both ran the opposite direction.

A bird just smashed the ground.

"Oh my-" Cried Stiles, his hand clasping his mouth.

Yet there was no time. More squarks emerged and birds swarmed the place. They plucked the ground, sacrificing themselves, as blood splattered everywhere.

"Move!" Yelled Kai, pushing me out the way.
A bird had landed right where I stood and it's guts flew over Kai.

"Ew." He said, while trying to shake some of it off.

I sighed in relief, processing the bloody look on Kai. It was so funny that I couldn't hold my laughter.

He smacked my arm. "Hey!"

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now