chapter 39

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Hyerin's POV

I smiled as I looked at the screen of my phone.

✔ seulgi
✔ jaemin
hyunbi's family

Only 1 more thing left to finish. Hyunbi's family. I did my ways and found out that that wench lives with her mother. My plan's going just the way I wanted it to be.

Honestly, I was just planning to just give Jaemin an injury, but sadly, he left this cruel world that easily.

I went to Beomgyu's house but he wasn't there so I went to Soobin's house and as expected, he was there.

"Hi Beom--"

"What are you doing here." he said coldly and my smile went down slowly.

"I wanted to talk to you--"

"We have nothing to talk about Hyerin." he said and then faced me, "if you don't have anything more to say, then leave."

"Could you atleast let me stay--"

"Here are the cupcakes!" a familiar voice said and I looked to the kitchen to see Seulgi. The boys didn't pay attention to her and just kept their eyes glued on me, who was staring at Seulgi, that was staring at the boys, that is now staring at me.

"O-oh? Aren't you the girl from the mall?" she said and then went near the boys to put the tray she was holding, "am I right? you're the girl who spilled ice cream on me?"

"You two met each other?" Beomgyu spoke and sent me a what the hell is this look.

"Oh yes, Beom! She spilled ice cream at me at the mall. I said it was fine but she insisted to buy me food so I didn't have a choice. Once she bought me food, I thought she would like go away, but like she didn't. She sat with me and introduced herself." Seulgi said and took a sip of her juice.

"O-oh yeah. You're S-seuljin, right?" I tried to look like I didn't quite know her.

She stopped sipping and looked at me then quickly laughed, loudly.

"What the hell? I remembered your name but you forgot mine?" she tried to catch her breath, "anyway, my name is Seulgi, not Seuljin."

"Oh, okay. I get it now, Seulgi." I faked a smile but I saw Beomgyu from the corner of my eyes who was looking at me like I was some kind of killer. Tsk.

"Yah Seulgi, isn't Hyunbi done yet?" I heard Yeonjun whisper to Seulgi that immediately caught my attention. But I didn't show that I was interested.

"I'll call her." Seulgi said as she stood up. Minutes later, Hyunbi and Seulgi went out.

"What took you so long in the kitchen, Hyunbi noona?" Huening Kai asked.

"Oh. I just did something." she replied and I raised an eyebrow accidentally. I didn't really notice it. She went near the living room and sat on a chair. She stared at my face and that made me uncomfortable.

"Um? Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked and she snapped out of her thoughts.

"O-oh. Um I just thought you looked familiar.." she said and I nodded in reply.

"Hmm.." she whispered, "wait.. Hyerin?" she said.

"Y-yeah?" I said and she smiled.

"Right! You're Hyerin! From the pharmacy?" she assured and I nodded, "oh! Hyunbi??" I acted like I forgot her.

"Yeah!" she said and I smiled while nodding.

"You know each other, too?" Beomgyu said.

"What do you mean by too?" Hyunbi asked and I coughed. Beomgyu gave me a suspicious look and looked back at Hyunbi.

"Seulgi and Hyerin know each other." Beomgyu answered.

The day went by and I knew that Soobin and Seulgi were flirting with each other or something like that cause we played truth or dare. I also knew that Hyunbi has an anxiety to crowded places. They all left and me and Beomgyu were left outside.

He grabbed my arm and whispered to my ear, "if you're planning something, then don't continue it Hyerin.. don't even try to deny it cause you're obvious as fuck." he whispered coldly then let go of me harshly.

end of chapter 39

A/n: hello! this is a long chapter because i just felt like it, anyway, happy women's month! (or whatever it is hehe) ♡

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