Chapter 14

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Just to show how long it has been since I've updated this story, I literally forgot the main villains' name. Ares. She was literally named after my friend. I am amazing. 

"Franky?" I asked, looking straight into the eyes of my best friend. 

"This entire time, I thought that I was a good friend of yours. But then, I realized that all of this was a lie for you," She said, not breaking eye contact. 

"You are so proud of your orange circle, you have always been in the spotlight. You were always talking about how sad it was that your brother died, oh boohoo poor child, get over it." She continued.

"W-what do you mean, Franky?" I asked in shock. 

"I thought that you were the nicest person on earth, but I was wrong," 

I saw a hand reach Franky's shoulder from behind, to be followed by a body. "Ares? Franky, this woman is crazy!" I shouted.

"No! You're the one who's crazy here! Don't you dare speak like that to my beloved, amazing, sweet, sister," Ares shouted. 

I was more confused than ever.  "Wait, what?"

"You heard it, you're not the only one who lost their sibling. The only difference is, I got mine back," Franky said, laughing maniacally just like Ares had before. It was now all starting to clear up, I started seeing the similarities. 

"I've had enough of your sick little games, Sebastian and LB, take this thing out of my sight," Ares ordered the two men to move me to a different place, but I couldn't give up this fast. I had been so close to leaving this hellhole, I couldn't just throw everything away... right?

I felt two arms grab me, I starting resisting. I started throwing my legs back and forth, but I was just lifted into the air. 

"Jesus, Seb, just get her out of my sight," Ares cried. 

"Pine, hit her," Sebastian said, trying to keep me still. 

"With pleasure," He answered back, smiling deviously. 

I woke up in the same room as before. "Goddamnit, not again," I mumbled to myself. 

"Hey, love," Sebastian (AHHHH THE CRINGE I AM SO SO SO SORRY BUT I JUSTAHHHH IT JUST FITS THE CHARACTER SO WELL) said, walking up to me. I was on the same bed, but now alone. 

They had clearly removed Ethan, there was no trace left. 

"You remember your little friend right, what was his name? Ethanious? Ethandorius?"

"Ethan," I mumbled. 

"Ah, right, Ethan! You see, you might think that he's dead, right?" He asked. 

I nodded slowly, not knowing what to do. 

"Right, so, he's very alive and well, actually. Ethan, come on in," 

Suddenly the door opened, revealing an alive and healthy Ethan. Sebastian put his arm around him, smiling at me. 

"W-what?" I asked quietly.

"It was fun watching you cry over a doll," Ethan said, laughing at me. 

"You see, Ethan never on 'your side'," Crab said, making air quotations, he continued "he was always working for me, quite a good actor actually. As Ethan already said, your tears were indeed falling for a doll, quite amusing," 

"Who else knew about this entire thing?" I was so confused, angry, I didn't know what I was feeling. 

"This entire lab," Ethan smirked. 

"Nobody actually cared about you, they had already finished their tests the second you walked through that door," 

I knew that this Sebastian was a psycho, but that didn't mean that his words couldn't hurt me. 

"I don't understand,"

"The government took you in to do a few tests, everybody was part of the plan, even that good ol' policeman of yours who brought you here," Ethan said. 


"I don't care what his name is," Sebastian exclaimed, "Now if you don't mind, I have a job I have to finish,"

Sebastian walked up to me with a bag. "W-what are you going to do?!" I shouted, wiggling back and forth in my ropes.

"Sweet dreams, Koi Fish," 

The bag was put on my head and the last thing I saw was Ethan leaning in to give Sebastian a kiss on the cheek.

Word count: 759



Like... Wow... What happened to Kory?????? I guess that you'll have to find out next week.
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- Sit down John.

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