Chapter 6

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The doctor finally walked in and introduced herself.

"Hey, I'm Ares Marsbars," She said, shaking my hand. But it didn't seem like she was going to let go any time soon, it gave me this weird feeling. I recognized her last name from somewhere, but I couldn't think of where I recognized it from. Maybe an old friend? I decided that it wasn't important.

"K-kory Carillo," I answered, trying to remove my hand from this awkward handshake.

"Oh yes of course," She said, finally removing her hand. Each one of her fingers on her left hand had a rose twirling around it with at the end a flame. Her nails were long and painted this light grey colour. The weirdest thing was probably that she didn't have a green circle. Her circle was bright red, indicating that she should've been sent to the "special school", but she somehow ended up here.

"Are you okay, little girl?" Ares asked me, looking concerned.

"Oh, yeah sure," I answered, leaning back into the chair.

Ares smiled at me and then sat down in the other chair.

"Hey, I have to go, you don't need me, right Doctor?" Angela said. Ms Marsbars gave her a nod of approval and moved her focus back to the syringes.

She put this liquid into the syringes, "Uh, aren't we just going to take blood today?" I asked, starting to sweat. Ever since I was a little kid I've never liked getting shots, but this woman seemed a bit off. Instead of answering she started telling this story.

"7 years ago I got my circle, just like you did a few days ago. Just like you, I got it very late. My parents were expecting that I would get a green circle because the entire family had gotten a green one," She said, squirting a bit of the liquid out of the syringe. She looked at the syringe like she was inspecting it.

"But no, I got a red one, very late into the evening. At first, I thought that it wasn't that bad, but my parents thought differently. They wanted me to have a green one, and they would always get what they wanted. So, instead of sending me to the special school, they gave me away to the government," She continued, grabbing another syringe and putting some liquid in there as well. She put the syringes down and walked up to me, strapping me to the chair.

"I'm sorry for you, I also went through that, but I can't do anything about something that happened in the past," I explained, trying to find out why she was strapping me to the chair. For some reason, it seemed like the type of situation where if I would start freaking out she would put the liquid into me a lot faster than planned.

"No, you don't understand!" She screamed. "I was disowned by my own parents, brought into a room where I was stuck for days. I started going crazy, every day they gave me the same goddamn food. I was starving, I hadn't talked to a person in days. Then finally, after a week of sitting in that room, a person walked in. They told me that my parents wanted to visit me," She laughed maniacally, looking around the room like she was looking for something.

"Fucking bitches," She mumbled.

"So, I talked to my parents," She said, taking a step towards me.

"W-what did they say?" I asked carefully.

"They asked me," She took two more steps towards me.

"Whether," Another step.

"I have," One more step and she would be standing right in front of me.

"A green circle now," She finished, grabbing my chin and pulling it towards her. She started stroking my hair and, for some reason, smelled my hair.

"Ah, the smell of a bitch who thinks that she's special, go back to your glasshouse. You're nothing special, just a fucking girl who got an orange circle," She slapped my face.

I looked away, trying to stop my tears from falling, but eventually, I could feel the liquid starting to pour out of my eyes.

"Aw, poor baby is crying?" She said, pulling my face back to her. "You're nothing but a freak, nobody wants you and the government is probably going to use you as their toy. But like any other normal kid, eventually, they get bored with their toy and throw it away," She gave me the last smirk before grabbing the syringe.

"No, please don't do this Ares!" I tried to scream, but she quickly put a hand on my mouth. "Let's not get noisy, shall we?" She said pointing towards the syringe.

"Any last words?" She removed her hand from my mouth, looking at me with a promising look.

"My parents killed my brother because he had a red circle,"

Word count: 813


I made this chapter a little bit shorter because I thought that this was a good place to stop it. I love creating these annoying cliff hangers, so I just had to stop this chapter here :)

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