Chapter 13

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ALSO, I'm gonna stop screaming, If you have a Webtoon account go check out Fast Typo *wink wonk* *definitely not self-promoting* *but seriously go read it* *it's really good but all over the place* *okay I'm gonna stop now* *but seriously while I was away Fast Typo was the thing I was updating* *so that means that Fast Typo updates more often that Veto* *wink wonk*


This chapter continues after Chapter 11, so quick recap because that chapter was released a thousand years ago:

Kory just found out that Ethan is dead, sed loife, she is now trying to get out of the room/lab:

I looked down onto the ground and saw the lifeless body of Ethan. The boy who tried to save me. He had come all the way to save me, even got himself killed, but I didn't do anything in return.

I had failed in saving a friend. 

I was torn between bringing him with me or leaving without him, but I knew that I didn't have a choice. 

I decided to leave Ethan behind and ran out of the door. I was confused as to why they hadn't locked the door, but I decided not to think anything of it. 

I ran through the same hallway I came through god knows how long ago and through the final door. I felt a headache come back, but I knew that I couldn't let such a small thing stop me from freedom. 

I looked back and forth in the hallway, not knowing where to go. I saw a person walk towards me, at this point I had no idea who to trust so I decided to go back through the door and wait until the person had left. It seemed that the person hadn't seen me, which was good. 

I had waited for a solid minute and looked outside again, nobody was there, the coast was clear. 

I ran out of the door and to the right, I didn't know why I went to the right but I decided to go there and, honestly, at this point it didn't matter anymore. 

I started running faster and faster, I finally approached another door. 

"Shit," I whispered to myself, the door was locked.

 I suddenly heard a gun cock behind me. 

The hard steel was pushed against the back of my head, "Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?"

I recognized the voice right away but decided not to say anything. 

"Now, you're going to do exactly what I say, alright?" I nodded slowly, waiting for his first command. 

"We're going to turn around and walk to the other side of the hallway, slowly, got that, luv?" (A/N IM CRINGING AT MYSELF WAHAHAHA) 

We turned around and started walking in the opposite direction. 

We had reached another door, which Sebastian knocked on a few times. 

It opened, revealing a person I had known my entire life. 




I  had no idea what to write about, but then when I started writing it just worked. :o

So yeet. That was chapter 13. 

See ya in 3 months ;)

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