Chapter 4

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I reached towards the pen and signed the papers.

"Very good, you'll be staying at the laboratorium, the scientists will explain more about that when you're there," Ms Michelson stood up and motioned me to do the same.

"What about my stuff?" I felt my head getting heavier and heavier, my eyelids wanting to close but me forcing them open. I had no idea what time it was.

"We'll take care of that, it's already half-past two and you still haven't slept yet. That's not good for you,"

We walked out of the interrogation room and continued walking through the hallway. We walked into the parking lot and I saw Victor leaning against his car.

"Come on, alien, we have to get you to the lab," He said jokingly.

"I'm not an alien," I said crossing my arms.

"Alright, just get into the car, I have to speak to Michelson,"

I sat down in the car and felt my eyelids slowly close. At first, I wanted to hear what the two were going to talk about, but I eventually gave up on that and decided that sleep is more important than whatever they were going to talk about.

I woke up in a bed, I quickly sat up (Not actually quick, because I just woke up) and looked around the room.

"Fuck green," I whispered to myself, the walls were a dark green and the bedsheets were white with green polka dots.

I looked next to me and saw a note on the bedside table. Next to the note was a watch, which showed that it was 8.30 am.

The note read:

"You fell asleep in my car, so I decided to not wake you up and carry you here myself. Be grateful. 

- V"

"Fuck you too," I whispered and threw the note back onto the bedside table, failing miserably and resulting in the note falling onto the ground.

A shirt and jeans were hanging on the chair in my room. The room was very plain, just a chair, bedside table and a bed.

I assumed that those clothes were for me, so I changed into them. A knock was heard on my door. Before I could open the door it was already opened. A man walked in with a clipboard with some papers and a glass with water.

"Good morning, Ms Carilo,"

"Carillo," I mumbled to myself.

"What was that?"

"Oh no nothing," I was used to people pronouncing my last name wrong, so I kind of stopped caring after a while.

"Okay, so, today we're only going to ask you a few questions. Apart from that, we're not going to do much, mainly because we don't know exactly what we want to do yet," He explained.

"So you took in a test rabbit without even knowing what the rabbit was for?" I asked. I could see that the scientist was confused, but could laugh at the statement that I made.

"No, we do know what we want to do with you, but we just don't know where to start," He explained, motioning me to follow him out of the green room.

Walking through the corridor I got an eerie feeling, the walls weren't green like everywhere else but were this dead grey tone. The ceiling wasn't very high, but above average, which makes you feel very small. No windows or doors were leading to another room, apart from the steel door at the end of the hallway. It was a giant, what seemed like, dark grey prison door. It was that type of door where you knew it was heavy without having to touch it.

The scientist grabbed a bunch of keys and started fiddling with them, he opened the small window in the door and looked through it. It was unclear whether the person on the other side gave him a signal, or whether it was just the confirmation of there being another person on the other side was the thing that made him close the window quickly and start fiddling with his keys even more.

"Do you even know which key it is?" I asked him, looking back and forth between the door and him. Normally I wouldn't ask questions this quickly, but because he hasn't explained much he should expect this to happen.

"Not knowing which key it is and not being able to find it is two very different things," He answered, still looking at the keys.

After finally finding the right key he opened the door, giving a small nod to whoever was standing behind it. In front of us awaited another long, eerie hallway, but this time with more doors on each side of it.

We walked past multiple doors, and eventually arrived at a door that looked the same like all of the other doors; light grey with a 20 x 20 cm window. If I had to work here I know that I wouldn't be able to find the right door even if they told me the number of the door.

The guy that I had been following this entire time opened the door and gestured me to go in first. I walked in and saw that it was like the interrogation room back at the police station, but with light grey walls instead of the dark walls and no window-mirror-thing. Just a plain room with three chairs, which looked more comfortable than the chairs at the police station, and a caramel-colour table.

"You can sit down, Dr Jefferson will be right with you," The scientist explained, walking out of the room.

I sat down on the side of the table with only one chair and started looking around in the room. Apart from one poster, there wasn't much to see. The poster had the words "Nemini credendum" on it. I guessed that it was Latin, but I had no idea what it meant.

I started tapping my foot, I wasn't exactly in the mood to wait any longer.

"Maybe I shouldn't have called the police," I thought to myself. What if I hadn't called the police and left my circle as it is? Would I be sitting at home watching TV or would the government somehow have found out anyway? My parents would've probably given me away for a certain amount of money, or maybe even for free.

I heard the door open.

The man had his head down and was looking at his papers.

"Alright, Kory Carillo? Am I saying that right?" He asked looking up at me.

"Yes," I answered firmly, reaching out to give him a hand. "Finnley Benjamin, it's a pleasure," He answered back smiling at me.

"Same here," I mumbled.

He sat down on the other side of the table and started looking through his papers. "Alright, I'm just going to ask you a few questions, not much. There is a new kid here, is it okay if he'll be sitting next to me just to see how everything works here?" Finnley asked me. I nodded back at him, making it clear that I didn't mind another guy sitting there.

"Great, I'll quickly send him a message telling him that he can come here," He pulled out his phone and typed the message, quickly putting his phone away again.

"Okay, so," Before he could start asking the questions a knock was heard.

"Come in," He answered. 

A boy walked in whom I had never expected to see.

"You again?" I exclaimed. 

Word count: 1251

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