"I don't know what you're talking about!" I bit defensively. I got up to sit. My back against the headboard.

"You said you didn't have another dream."

"I-I didnt." I choked, anxiously.

Jess pulled a 'are you kidding me' face.
"Ember. You're my brother. I know when you're lying."

Damn that psychotic bitch and her knack with intelligence. Urgh.
I could've swore, I did a mental eye roll. God forbid. I'm so good at doing them.

When she saw my face, she reacted with
"I didn't question you before, with the others, because there has to be a reason, why you kept it from us."

I nodded, repeatedly.

She stared at me, anxiously.

I raised my eyebrows and I turned my head around.

"Well?" Yelled Jess.

I snapped my head towards her.
"Well what?"

"What's the reason?" Asked Jess.

"Oh. Well. Uhm. I-It was. Hard?" I stammered.

Jess scoffed. "Oh my life. You're starting to sound like Stiles."
She placed her head into her palm.

"It was hard to process." I hissed, like I was offended.
"It wasn't a very-good dream." I whispered.

Jess placed her hand on my knee.
"But you can always tell us anything Ember."
"Anything." She said adamantly.

I had a small smile. "Thanks." I muttered.

"Okay. So the dream." I said, before telling her about everything.

She didn't interrupt or anything. She just stared sympathetically . You know how your eyes droop.
You know. The cute eyes.
Well her eyes were droopy.

"Ember." She started. "Listen. Father died years ago. That had to be a reflex. Your body's reflection of death."

"Huh?" I asked.

"No-one knows what death is. What it looks like. If it is a person, a thing or an action. It's just there. You picture death, as someone who is close to you, who died. It was meant to lead you, in the direction of the gravestone."

"But Jess. I wasn't even that close to d-father.
None of us were." I spoke softly.

"You can't control your thoughts. Well now you can. With my idea." Said Jess, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"I don't get your idea. How can you control your thoughts?" I asked.

Jess beamed. "Ember, don't you see? That dream was a mimic of your subconscious."

I tilted my head backwards and groaned.

"The fiery place. The fire monster- thingy." Said Jess.

"Speaking of that. Any idea of what that could be?" I asked Jess.

"Maybe your patronus." Giggled Jess.

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant