Siren [Spy x Reader, Fluff]

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i'm baaaack~!

Spy was just sitting in his smoking room when he needed a cup of water from the kitchen. Soon, a beautifully enchanting song began playing out in the base. He decides to inspect, and he doesn't believe who the singer is when he finds out.

The term "siren" used in this chapter refers to the creatures of Greek Mythology. They were beautiful women who would lure sailors in with their beautiful music, then kill them. I think.

1152 words.


A soft puff of smoke came from Achille's lips, the man's head relaxing back against his seat. Nights like these were bliss... comfortable isolation, the soft leather and fabric of his seat, the gentle crackling of the fire near him and a good cigarette. Best of all? The silence, of course with the exception of the fire and his huffs. No Soldiers screaming.. no Demomen grossly belching.. no Heavies loudly laughing. Just him, and himself only.

Eventually Achille's lips became chapped, throat uncomfortably swallowing. Finishing off the cigarette he had, he pressed the tip into the tray next to him before standing up. He patted himself down and adjusted his tie, before heading on his way to the kitchen.

He walked through the hallways where he heard the mercenaries snoring away, dreaming of whatever. The small sound of his shoes hitting the ground was thankfully not enough to wake even the lightest of sleepers. Achille made his way to the kitchen, heading to the sink first to wash his mouth out. He then grabbed a clear glass and filled it with purified water, not tap, then gulped it down swiftly. That was when he heard something.. high pitched and sweet-sounding from afar. Setting the cup down, Achille looked around him with an eyebrow raised.

He began to inspect the base, eyebrows knitting together as he tried to focus on the sound more than anything. The sound began growing closer when he climbed up the stairs, causing him to step up faster. The steps seemed nearly endless, the sound only getting closer and closer until he had reached the roof of the base. He went to the door and took a soft, deep breath before very gently opening the door. He peeped through the crack.

And there you were, sitting at the edge of the roof strumming a (ukulele/guitar), singing in French to the moon.

"Quand il me prend dans ses bras, il me parle tout bas.. Je vois la vie en rose."

Achille widened his eyes at the fluent French that you sang, wowing to himself internally.

"Il me dit des mots d'amour, des mots de tous les jours.. Et ça me fait quelque chose."

He watched you in pleasantly surprised silence, opening the door a bit more to hear you closer. The notes you sang rolled off so effortlessly, the chords of the (ukulele/guitar) accompanying your voice perfectly. Achille's heart pounded his his chest to the point where he was almost certain you could hear it. He's fallen for you... and he's fallen hard. Not only were you absolutely stunning, but you had a sly personality like him. You weren't loud, or egotistical. You were mysterious. Dangerous. And Achille adored you for that.

The final strum of the (ukulele/guitar) was heard with a small dragged out note, and a quiet sigh after.

"Hello, Spy." You spoke with a small smirk, not looking back once.

Achille jumped, but shook his head and cleared his throat. "G-Good evening, (Y/N). I suppose you sensed me here."

"I know when a Spy's around or not. That's why I'm so good at countering them." You smiled, standing up and stretching softly. Turning around, you walked to Achille with your instrument still in your hand.

"I did not know you could speak French."

"There's plenty you don't know about me.. Achille."

Ok. That REALLY got him going. He blushed slightly, a shy smile forming on his face. He cleared his throat once more and sighed.

"Well... since we're still awake.. may I invite you to my smoking room for a drink?"

"That sounds wonderful. Let me drop my (uke/guitar) off at my room and I'll meet you there." You spoke with confidence, walking past Achille with a bit of sway in your hips. He watched you walk off, dumbfounded for a moment before bringing himself back to his senses and heading to his smoking room once again.

Soon after you dropped your instrument off, you made your way to Achille's smoking room. Knocking on the door gently, the Frenchman swayed it open and gestured you in like a gentleman. You walked in and took a breath, looking around in amusement. The room was much nicer looking and more decorative than any of the other mercenary's rooms.

"This is nice.." you looked to Achille, who was preparing two glasses of some fancy white wine. He handed one to you and grinned.

"My thanks. I dislike having a messy environment.. so I clean this room as much as I can." He swing his drink in circles gently.

You nodded, taking a sip of yours. "I can see that."

"Would you mind if I played some music?" Achille cocked an eyebrow up.

"No, not at all."


The two of you had begun dancing to the slow, romantic music. Only a little tipsy, Achille slow danced with you like a pro, not having to keep an eye on his feet because you were great at it too. His hands gently held onto your hips, your own on his shoulders as you swayed. Soft laughs and hums came from both of you. Each time you giggled you could have sworn you felt Achille's grip tighten just a bit, but it didn't matter.

Pretty soon the last romantic song began playing, and it was much slower than the others. Achille's beautiful lapis blue eyes bore into your (E/C) ones, and you watched as his pupils grew larger. Time suddenly stopped.

It was you and him. Him and you. Achille's hands on your waist, carefully pulling you in as your arms propped themselves up on his shoulders. Your feet stopped moving. Your body stopped swaying. Achille leaned in and shut his eyes as you did the same. Your lips made contact with his, lips locking in a gentle, loving and compassionate kiss. One of your hands slowly made its way to cup Achille's cheek, the other one moving to press at his chest. On the other hand, Achille rubbed his hands up and down your sides gently, letting himself melt even more for you and the kiss. Eventually the need for air was too strong, and you pulled away from each other.

Achille smiles at you and held you close, putting his chin against your shoulder and speaking softly, "Je t'aime, mon coeur..."

You giggled softly and put your face into his neck, replying sweetly.

"Je t'aime aussi, mon chérie.."

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