Drunken Love [Demoman x Reader, Fluff]

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     Today was like every other typical day as a mercenary. You woke up, helped Engineer make breakfast for everyone else, chatted as you ate, got ready for work, and were set off to fight the other team for a while. It was fun as hell, except for when you died. Either way, you enjoyed your job as much as any other merc.

"You win." the announcer's voice rang throughout the map to your team. When the announcement was given, everyone, including you, cheered in triumph while the opposing team huffed and walked off. Demoman was the first one to come over and praise you.

"Aye, ya did great out there, lassie!" Demo laughed, taking a swig of his scrumpy. 

"Thanks, Demo! You did amazing out there too!" you gently nudged him, which makes his cheeks go a bit darker as he discreetly glances down, then back up as soon as you looked at him.

"That counts as another one." you hear Scout say behind you. 

"Huh?" you say, turning around to see Scout with a small notepad and pencil. Sniper, Engie, and Soldier were all glancing at it. When you looked back the three shifted their gazes to something else, trying not to make it suspicious as Scout put the notepad back into his back pocket.

"Nuthin!" Scout said plainly, so you just shrugged it off.

"Ay lass, how about you and I get a drink together later today?" Demoman nudges you, getting your attention again.

"Of course! In how long and where?" at this point you were all at your base, stepping in.

"Let's say 30 minutes, my room?" he said, tilting his head.

"That's perfect. I'll see you then, Demo." you smiled and patted his arm, walking off to your room. You didn't see it, but he glanced down again for a bit before shifting his gaze back up.

"Aaaaand another." Scout says, marking something on the notepad.

"What are ya even takin' notes of?" Demo looks to the four mercs, eyebrows furrowing.

"Scout was marking down how many times you looked at (Y/N)'s ass--" Soldier blurted out, and Sniper was a second too late to cupping his mouth.

"Ya spoiled it, dumbass!" Scout pouted, earning a not so sorry apology from Soldier. Meanwhile Demoman's face had gone a dark crimson, and he fled off to his own room.

The total for now was 36.


You were now in your room, changing out of your mercenary clothing, slipping into something comfy and casual for the drinks with Demo. A warm, slightly baggy sweater, with some black sweatpants. You smiled and sighed, taking a look at one of the photos you hung on your bulletin board. It was of you and Demo, both smiling together in the middle of all the other men. It was your birthday then.. everyone had gotten you at least one thing. Scout gave you a small duck plushie, Soldier gave you a little figurine of a bald eagle saluting with an American bucket helmet on, Pyro gave you one of his Balloonicorns, Engineer gave you a hand-crafted fountain pen, Heavy gave you a teddy bear, Medic gave you a copy of the book you had been wanting to read for a while, Sniper gave you a jar (he sweared on his life that he didn't piss in it) to keep small valuables in, and Spy had given you a pretty necklace with a little (your class symbol) pendant on it. Demo however.. he succeeded in getting 1st place in favorite presents. He got you and him matching beer mugs! They each had your class symbols on them so you could tell which was which, and you've been using it for your drinks ever since. 

You looked at the clock. Two minutes left already?! How long have you been standing here thinking? Either way, you shook the thoughts from your head and walked out of your room to meet with Demo in his room. You hummed to yourself, finally finding Demo's room and knocking on it gently.

TF2 Oneshots & Imagines!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora