Fireworks [Soldier x Reader, Fluff]

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It's the 4th of July. You and John have been spending the whole day together, giving all the mercenaries a day off of training. John spoils you rotten, and gives you something extra special at the end.

1444 words.


All the mercenaries were surprised to see that they hadn't been waking up by the loud patriot. Walking out of the rooms, fully rested and refreshed, they were even more surprised to see you and the man laughing in the kitchen.

"Leetle baby man is.. calm?" Heavy questioned. This was a very peculiar sight. You were cooking pancakes, and John was just standing and watching you do your thing with one of the sweetest expressions any of them had ever seen from him. Soon the sweet aroma of pancakes filled the base and all the mercs clutched a hand over their stomachs from hunger.

"Don't y'all know what day it is? It's the 4th of July. He was plannin' ya give us all a day off of training to spend more time with his lady-friend." Engineer piped up softly.

"For real?" Scout spoke, eyes lighting up with hope. Engineer nodded, getting al the mercenaries yo sigh and celebrate softly.

Everyone's attention went back to the kitchen when they heard a feminine laugh. They watched as John held you from behind, playfully kissing at your cheek, jawline, and neck as his fingers traced at your sides.

"Looks like zhe Soldier has a romantic side." Spy hummed, "Not expected, but welcome."

Sniper chuckled devilishly and held up a camera, video taping you two for a small while. They would definitely tease you two about it soon.

The last pancake was flipped and plated, John letting go of your sides. You immediately longed for his touch again, but you had to serve breakfast.. so you pressed a soft kiss to John's cheek before walking to the door. All the mercenaries scrambled to get in their seats at the dining table, trying to act natural as you guys waltzed in.

"Hey guys! I figured you'd all be here by now." You smiled, setting the gloriously large stack of pancakes in the center of the table. John came in and set plates and utensils down, silently laughing at his drooling teammates. This was even weirder.. John being gentle? Who was this imposter?!

"Let's eat up, boys. (Y/N) and I have places to be." John spoke, pulling your chair out for you before taking his own. The mercenaries stared at John in disbelief, but shook it off and put their focus on the pancakes.

~~After Breakfast~~

John helped you wash the dishes and clean the table up, before dismissing the rest of the team to go their own ways. He looked to you and pressed a small kiss to your cheek, making a small giggle erupt from you.

"Come on, Cupcake! I planned out a whole day for us!" He smiled, gently hugging at your smaller, softer hand. You laughed as he tugged you alongside him, jogging once in a while to catch up.

Now in his van, you sat in the passenger's seat with tour legs crossed. You held John's hand warmly, kissing the back of it as you intertwined your fingers. He blushed at your little action, driving just a bit faster.

After a good while, John woke you up with a playful nudge. Your eyes blinked open to see a large, outdoor mall. One you've been wanting to go to for a long while, but never got the chance to. Gasping softly, you looked to John with joy plastered on your face. John blushes and laughed it off, leaning in to kiss your cheek.

"Let's head in, hm?"


The time flew as you visited shops left and right. There were just too many! John happily bought what you wanted or needed, and soon your arms were filled with reusable shopping bags. It was almost time to leave for something else John had planned, but you didn't mind. You were totally satisfied at this point, happier than a single bumblebee in a meadow of flowers. A bright smile still on your face, your boyfriend took a look at his watch and gently tugged at your arm, signaling you it was time to leave. You nodded, following him out of the mall and back to his van.

With the radio turned up and the windows opened, you stuck your head out for a bit to catch the wind in your hair. John chuckled at your antics and continued driving as you let out a small whoop, the refreshing air hitting your face coldly.

"So where are we going now?" You asked as you sat back in your seat.

"I dunno." John shrugged.

"Oh, ok."


"Wait, what do you mean you don't know? Did we get lost?"

John laughed, "Of course not, Cupcake. I just don't know if the place we're going to has a name. We aren't lost."

"Ahh.. alright then." You nodded, relaxing in your seat. John began tapping his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of the song playing, humming softly. Noticing this, you looked to him with a grin before beginning to hum as well, creating a slight harmony. It didn't take long before you two began singing- er, well, belting the lyrics of the song. Once it ended the two of you laughed as John eventually began slowing down, parking at the top of a hill.

"Here.. this is the place." He spoke softly, opening his door and ushering you to follow him. Stepping out of the car, you looked out and gasped. At the top of the hill you saw a beautiful sight of the city below, all sorts of colorful lights brightening the area. Not only that, you two also had an amazing view of the stars and constellations in the night sky. Your eyes glimmered in amazement, giving John the chance to stare and gawk at your beauty without being caught. He gently took a hold of your hand and ran his big thumb over the back of yours.

"Hey, (Y/N)?"


"Have I ever told you how adorable you look when your looking at something pretty?"

You blushed, "Q-Quiet."

"But you are! You're beautiful, sweetie. The most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on." He smiled, leaning down and kissing your cheek.

"John, you're making me blush.." you whined, only making him even more lovey.

"Good.." he smirked, "I want that."

You whined louder, making him chuckle. "Hey.. actually.. I have to tell you something." John spoke in a more serious tone.

Looking up at him, you spoke, "Tell me what?"

"Well.. you see.." he began, turning to look at you fully.

"You know at this point how much I love you.. and I know that on work days I may not express that much. But words.. they can't truly show how I feel about you. They never will."


"What I'm trying to get to you is.. I love you, (Y/N). I usually don't.. let my emotions get to me. But you were an exception. You're beautiful, strong, independent, and love America and it's freedom. You're sweeter than any apple pie I could ever imagine. And.. I would love to be the man you adore just as much as I to you. So.. I uhm.." John scratched the back of his head and discreetly reached into his back pocket.

"I got this piece of jewelry that would bond us together.. for the rest of our lives." John smiled and took a deep breath, getting on one knee.

"(Y/N) (L/N).. Would you do me the honors of being my Lady Liberty.. and marrying me?" He spoke sincerely, opening the small box in his hands to reveal a beautifully crafted diamond ring.

Everything went in slo-mo. Tears brimmed your eyes and threatened to fall, hands covering your mouth as you tried not to sob. You nodded vigorously, a single stray tear slipping.

"Y-Yes! Of course, John- Yes!" You laughed to cover a sob of joy, letting him take your hand and slip the ring on. He gently kissed your hand before standing, wrapping his arms around your hips as you threw yours around his neck. The two of you soon closed the space between you completely, his lips encasing yours in a loving, passionate kiss just as the first firework of the show down in the city popped.

Little did you know that the Spy and Sniper on your team took photos of you at that perfect moment. Awww, they care.. plus, it would be a nice picture to frame.

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