One-Sided [Engineer x Ill! Reader, Sad to Fluff]

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2215 words.

The only female mercenary falls in love with someone who doesn't love them back. She will soon develop the Hanahaki Disease.

Hanahaki Disease — an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love.
     Today was the day. It was one of the rare ceasefire days where you got to go out and spend time with a good friend of yours, Cole (I'd never let you get your heart broken my a merc.). Getting yourself all dolled up and ready for the day, you happily walked out of your room.

"Hey there pumpkin, what's goin' on today?" Dell, another good friend of yours, walked up and asked you.

"I'm gonna visit Cole again. This time I'm gonna confess my feelings..! I'm so nervous." you giggled softly, jittering a bit. 

Dell simply smiled and gently patted your back. "Don't be. Ah'm sure you'll have 'im 'round your finger in no time." 

"Thanks Dell.. I needed that. Oh shit-- I should get going now. I'll see you later and tell you how it went!" you walked off, smiling widely. 

"Bye bye now, be safe!" Dell called as you speed-walked to your car, waving with a smile. That smile slowly died as he watched you leave, sighing softly.

"If only she knew..."

~~Time Skip to Cole's Place...~~

Patting yourself down, you walked up to Cole's door and gently knocked on the door. Cole opened it with a smile, welcoming you in.

"Hey (Y/N)!" he smiled, letting you take a seat on his couch.

"Hi! Sorry if it's kinda been a while, my workplace doesn't allow days off super often." you sighed, relaxing against the couch.

"It's all good. How about a (favorite drink)?" he offered, and you immediately nodded yes.

The two of you bonded over the usual things. Funny stories, random topics, whether water is wet or not, everything went normally. You really got to admire Cole's features the more you spoke to him, your heart melting more and more as he laughs with you. From his pretty black hair to unnaturally blue eyes, he was a good looking man. He's got a good personality too! You fell for him even more.. eventually going into a trace as you just admired him.

"Uh.. hello? Earth to (Y/N)?" Cole waved a hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your trance. 

"O-Oh shit-- I'm sorry. I-I was.. well I wanted.. to talk to you about something specific today." you spoke. This was your moment!

"Uh-huh? And what would that be?" Cole tilted his head, cocking an eyebrow up at you.

Face going pink, you spoke up shyly. "Well.. T-To put it straight.." you looked to the floor.

"I'm in love with you. We've been friends for so long and you've.. you've been there for me. Through all my troubles and hardships, you've helped me out through a lot of things. You're also really funny.. and sweet.. never afraid to back down.. you're practically anyone's dream man. It would be a pleasure to be.. the person to accompany you. To love and care for you.. to make you feel better when you're down.. or to just share a laugh with. W-Will you let me be that person..?" you shyly looked back up to Cole with a pink face, sweating slightly as your heart beat got faster.

Cole looked appalled. Almost disgusted. You almost immediately felt your heart sink to your stomach, predicting what he would say next.

"Me? With you? No!" he shook his head. Your heart fell farther than your stomach and shattered on the ground like glass. 

TF2 Oneshots & Imagines!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon