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Song the chapter is four years by a set of guys whom i know not. The song os pretty old but it was a vibe back then. Anyways, happy reading

"So are you like going to let me in or what?"

"Oh, yeah, sure, right, uhm, come, come in." Henry said all in one breath. He had been starring at me since i arrived like i was some alien from space which was weird because I hadn't even changed much. Granted, we hadn't seen each other in years but if any one needed to be gawking, it should have been me because the mountain of a man that stood in front of me was definitely not the best friend I left behind before going to college. Apparently, he'd been doing some serious work on his body and spending extra time in the gym. His hard muscles and well defined biceps was enough evidence.

After letting me in and shutting the door, Henry took a few steps back and stared some more. The whole scene was starting to get a little awkward but little did I know that the young man had something else in mind. With Three long strides, he was in front of me. suddenly wrapping me in a very firm hug and the impact almost made me to faint.

"Uhm, Henry, i cant breathe." I managed to croak out before he released me.

"Sorry" He said with a very wide smile.
At least we were back to being normal people again. Or so i thought.

Before i could recover completely from his bone crushing hug, i felt myself being lifted up the ground and without warning, my head was facing the ground.

I always complained that i was overweight but with the way He lifted me and threw me over his shoulders like i was a bag of wool, I started to question my sanity. It was evident that his new found strength was inhumane. I could only imagine how many ladies would kill to run their hands down those abo

Eeew no Alyssa, take your mind off such thoughts. He is your best friend for crying out loud.

"Put me down right
now you crazy son of a bachelor...Ouch! Oh my God, did you just smack my ass. We are no longer 10 Henry, i hope you understand that. This could easily pass as sexual harras... Ouch." He fucking did it again.

"Are you going to shut up?" Henry asked suddenly.

"Only if you put me down."

"Not a chance"

I decided to change Tactics; "please, please let me down I beg you. I'd pay you."
But Henry seemed to have something else in mind because he started running round the house and singing so loud like the idiot that he was.

"Four years don waka
We still dey carry go
Nobody waka
Nobody go solo
Papa God iyo
Na your grace iyo
Na your cause iyo
Adupe o"

In my akward position, i could see two pairs of legs descending the stairs and the sound of the stragers' laughter was deafening. Clearly, they were enjoying my misery.

"Can someone please tell this mad man that all my blood is now in my head?!!! "I screamed out of fraustration. At least it worked because he droped me roughly on the couch but not before smacking my ass one more time.

We all sat on the couch, starring at each other, practically breatheless. As everything came back to me, i suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. The tears were flowing freely now. Henry and the others joined me also.
When we were satisfied, we just sat in silence. At that moment, everything just felt so perfect and peaceful. Memories of gone days, washing over me like a flood. It feels so good to be home.

"Babe, i have to go now, call me?"
I turned my head to the source of the voice. She really had to just ruin the moment.
I actually realized that i hadn't even taken a glance at the two extras.
The girl looked like she used one jar of bleaching cream every day. She looked so artificial. She was tall though and i must say that was the only thing i admired in her.
She looked like a 3rd class slut and i was 99.5% sure that i was correct.

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