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Song of the chapter is 'the lazy song' by Bruno Mars.
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#Happy Reading
##Susie cares


Seven years earlier....

I was furious. I' m pretty sure that a cloud of steam was rising from my head at that point. Alright, that is definitely an exaggeration but in my present state of fury every exaggeration was totally justified.

I have no idea how long I'd been standing there but I don't think I moved a finger since. Speaking of fingers; there was a trail of blood flowing from my left hand. Apparently, I had been digging my fingernails into my palm, probably in an attempt to distract myself from the aching throb in my chest. Did it work? Definitely not.

My knuckles were also white from tightly gripping the railings, so much so that i feared they might break; the railings I mean, not my knuckles.

I thought that anger was alleviated or minimized at least, when people went out for fresh air but for a while now I'd been standing in the freshest air around but there's been no improvement. In fact, I think the situation was getting out of hand because black spots were now dancing in front of my face.

But for the reassuring hand I felt on my shoulders in that moment, I think I would have blacked out.

Uncle Mark was the kindest person I knew. He was always around. He scolded me when I was at fault but in moments like these, his comfort was priceless. It was all I needed. I couldn't help but wish he was my father sometimes.
Oh, my father was a great dad, awesome personality and easy to love. He had his flaws but I loved him so. Nevertheless, my only regret was that; in situations like these, my father was good at doing only one thing and that thing was nothing. And that was the worst thing one could be doing in my defense at such moments.

Well, it took some getting used to. At least, I no longer felt the urge to rip off his ears; those same ears I loved to play with as a child. Weird right? Still, don't blame me, we all have our flaws.

As usual, uncle Mark was able to bring me some calm and I was thankful. But be not deceived though, in a typical Nigerian home, it didn't matter wether you were at fault or not, there's always something you are not meant to do next time because that was what caused the issue this time. It's always like, 'I know it's not your fault but maybe you should have...done this or done that, or not done something or the the other.' there's just no way you'd be a hundred percent innocent even though you know for a fact that you are a hundred percent innocent. I don't know, i feel like I'm starting to sound like a crazy person.

Anyways, to cut the long story short, Uncle Mark's warning to me this time, was to try and curtail my anger in the future. Well, whatever, the deed was done now and Margaret should be dedicated to watching her back from now on.

I read somewhere that an after effect of fury was excessive thirst and In my almost calm state, all I could actually think of was how much of a genius that writer must have been.

Walking up to the fridge, I picked a bottle of swan water. For days now, there had been shortage of electricity so consequently, the water was not as chilled as I would have dimmed fit. but, it had to do.

Walking to the backyard, I sat on the wooden bench under the Mango tree. This was my second favorite place in the world, apart from under my blanket. And in my music world. It was so peaceful out here. In season though, your head might just receive a bang from a falling mango. At this time of the year though, there was no tendency of such risks.

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