Chapter74: The nightmare begins

Start from the beginning

Harumi backed away, her sword being flung to the ground, far away from her.
The resistance and Cloud all stopped for a minute to glance at the fallen sword,
"We've got to help her!" Kai insisted as he tried to fight his way through. They needed to help their friend as she had came to help them. Cloud barked and bit into the arm of an SOG guard. If she was raised by the calm princess stored away in the jade palace, then perhaps she'd feel a bit bad for hurting all these people.

But these were terrible people, she had witnessed what the man has done to the princess. She shouldn't feel sympathy if parts of their bodies started bleeding. "This dog is awesome! I could never find one that's this loyal!" Cole remarked, attempting to punch an SOG guard out of his way. As the Smith siblings started to knock some of the numerous guards out, the younger sister glanced at the princess whom was their saviour. "What are you looking at, sis?" Kai snapped her out of her thoughts.

Nya shifted to the side with an uncomfortable look. "Her end. It's not going so well." She replied.
Her jaw was met with the cold ground once more. Harumi grew sick of it, why didn't she have enough power to defeat him? She swore to him to save the last battle to her, yet here she was practically making a fool of herself. "O-ow..." she grumbled as she tried to stand up only to be sent flying backwards and crashed into the garbage depot's walls. It was Garmadon, overpowering her.

"Had enough yet?" The dark oni lord snarked as he noticed her whimpering state. "I have no power.." retorted Harumi quietly, her legs were shaking, her face was dripping with fresh blood from a wound to the head, clenched teeth covering the true beast within. Garmadon and Harumi glared at eachother. That's until the white Pomeranian ran over to Garmadon and collided her small ears with his arm. "Huh?" His blood red eyes darted up.

The ninjas were running straight for him, running wild and vengeful without their leader. Despite their elemental powers being awfully exposed to attempt to threaten him, the oni didn't feel too in trouble. He lifted a single head up and smiled. "Much too slow." He corrected the charging ninjas. A purple aura shot out of his hands to cancel out the titanium ninja's ice. The dark aura and ice beam. crashed into each other, creating a small explosion on the loser's end, which was Zane. The nindroid was sent flying back and crashed into a set of trash cans.
The lightning ninja could have sworn that he saw shockwaves sprout out of the robot. "Zane!"

Seeing their fellow ninja as well as 'brother' crash into the pile of trashcans like that was enough to make the rest of the resistance burn into a fit of fury and make Harumi wince. Garmadon glared down at the white haired girl and narrowed his eyebrows. "You." He raised an arm forward, purple aura glowing out of the palm of his hand. Harumi hisses softly as she felt herself become weightless for a second. Ah right, she recognized this setting before. She in the air, being held by the throat, with Garmadon's powers.

Cole was the first to react, after seeing his brother get ransacked by the dark lord and now seeing his sister being lifted into the airs, he was pretty pumped up. "Garmadon! Let go of her this instance!" He growled, pumping his hands together and creating controlled sequences of the earth in his palms, they flowed a tangy orange. Garmadon turned around, looking genuinely surprised at the incoming attack. "Earth hands." He mumbled.

Well to defend himself from that, he'd have to drop the princess in his hold.
He flinched on the inside, no, he didn't want to hurt her. But this was war and she had betrayed him. This would probably hurt less than how much she hurt him already. He was her enemy and she probably acknowledged that sooner than him hence her merciless escape. "Sorry." He mouthed over to Harumi's struggling
self. His hand closed into a fist.

And she was launched to a window pane, smashing the glass entirely.
The resistance's eyes widened at the sight of a bloody Harumi crawling towards them. "N-No...p-pl....please...." despite being thrown like a broken doll towards shards of glass, the girl attempted to still save her friends. With shards in her arms and even more bleeding from her forehead. Her eyes almost shut from the pain, but yet, she still continued crawling to her friends, the family she might lose again if she doesn't do something. "L-Lloyd...I-I..." she sobbed as she watched Garmadon get close to Cole.

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