Harry Potter ~ Dear Fred

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Dear Fred,

I've got a funny story for you.  You'll love this, really.  So, Ginny and I were playing Quidditch in the backyard, and she was getting really into it. I wish you could see her, Freddie. She's really grown up. We all have, being in a big war and all. Anyways, she knocked me off my broom.  Can you believe that? Ginny Weasley, our little sister, knocked the amazing George Weasley off his broom. I fell and broke my arm.  Easy fix, right? Well, not to Dad.  He actually told me that I was his guinea pig.  I mean, really Fred, can you see me as a guinea pig? Dad took me to a Muggle doctor! They used Muggle medicine on me! It was awful.  I do NOT  recommend it to anyone. 

So, they had to do something called surgery on me.  And right before they poked at me with their needles and everything, I had to breathe in a special gas to put me to sleep.  It messed with my head, Fred. I felt so discombobulated and just...not myself.  When I woke up, I was confused.  I didn't know anything, except that I had to go to the bathroom. I know, it's stupid. But I forgot to go before! Anyhow, I walked into the bathroom. There was this huge mirror above the sink, and I looked into it.  But see Fred, like I said, the medicine messed with my head. I didn't realize it was a mirror, and for a second, stupid old me thought it was you. I actually smiled and said, "Freddie!" Then remebered. You're dead.  Really, definitely dead. 

I'm worried about Mum.  The other night, we were sitting down for dinner when she asked where you were. No one said anything, because we couldn't. Mum started crying, and it took a while for us to get her calmed down.

All right, so I realize that I started this note with "I've got a funny story." That story wasn't so funny. In fact, nothing seems funny anymore without you.  I like to pretend that you're actually reading these. I'll put them all in a box, and next week, on your birthday, I'll go put the box by your grave.  I know you're gone, but still...this makes me feel better.  I apologize for all the tear stains on the paper.

Harry's doing fine, in case you were wondering, and Ron helps me in the shop sometimes. He's a great brother.  Business is doing great. I'm so glad Harry gave us that money. I feel in his debt now. Remember that year, Fred? I just realized, that was the only time I've seen you as an old man. I wish--Ah, never mind. I need to stop now. I hope you're happy.



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