"Well no but.....we don't need to talk about it now". Huening Kai said with an awkward chuckled.

"We should thou-". Before Yeonjun was interrupted, Beomgyu was running towards him, Soobin hand in hand with a huge smile. He stopped at the table and then presented Soobin proudly.

"Guys, this is my childhood best friend who is 6ft tall, adorable, and very smart". Beomgyu introduced.

Everyone looked at Soobin both surprised and pleased. Especially Huening Kai. The youngest stared at him with glistening eyes. He was beautiful. His soft lips, his pretty eyes, his fair skin, his pretty cherry hair, even his bunny smile.

"Hi! I'm Choi Soobin! It's nice to meet you all!". The boy held out his hand, shaking each of the members hand. When Soobin for to Huening Kai, it was a bit awkward for them both.

"Excuse me? Are you okay?". Soobin asked. Huening Kai realized he had been in thought too hard and chuckled softly.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I'm Huening Kai. The youngest and cutie of this group". He said calmly. Soobin smiled and shook his hand.

"You sure fit the role". The taller then commented, making Huening Kai blush a bit.

"I'm very please to meet you all. Beomgyu says a lot of good things about you". Soobin said, settling his stuff down politely.

"Are you kidding? This kid is a brat and he wouldn't shut up about you for days!". Yeonjun pulled Beomgyu into a tight hug, kissed his forehead and then let him off.

"You're so gay Yeonjun Hyung". Beomgyu said.

"Bitch, we all are. Except Soobin. I don't know about you". The oldest responded.

"That's cause you a hoe". Beomgyu whispered under his breath, but yeonjun definitely heard it.

"eXcUsE mE!?". Everyone else watched as Beomgyu and Yeonjun fought over everything they said even though most of them were probably true. Soobin didn't really know what to do but he was amused by the sight.

"Are they always like this?". The taller then asked. The youngest nodded.

"You can never stop them from fighting". Huening Kai stated.
😶🏠☹️🏠🔪 Home🔪🏠☹️🏠😶

Huening Kai was walking home, already hating to even think about that place. He hoped Jaehyun wasn't home because he was always moody after work. He got to the front door and unlocked it slowly from hesitation. Once he got inside, he was met with Jaehyun. Who was sleeping on the couch. He sighed in relief. "Thank God". Huening Kai murmured. He went upstairs quietly and put his stuff away to relax. He came back downstairs with a blanket and tylenol for Jaehyun, hoping his hyung wouldn't get mad. He gently put the blanket over Jaehyun, making sure he was comfortable. Huening Kai placed a glass of water and Tylenol on the coffee table and decided to leave him alone. He went upstairs to his room and closed the door quietly. "Finally.....I get to relax". He whispered before plopping himself on the bed. A million things went through his mind as usual. Just forget the memories Kai. Don't think about it. It's not your fault and it just happens. It's just happens........ Huening Kai got up with a sigh and pulled his phone out. He scrolled through Instagram and then suddenly got a text from Taehyun.

Taehyun Sii 🐿️: Hey, you okay?

Huening Kai: Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?

Taehyun Sii 🐿️: I've known you for years, I practically know what you're thinking 24/7

Huening Kai: That's true

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