For a moment, I forgot gravtiy existed

Start from the beginning

"At best, we'll be locked in here for a few days and we'll starve," I explained. "At worst he starts throwing shit in here throw the vents."

Quinn's hyperventilating managed to get even worse. He seemed to be having a full on panic attack. Maybe this is the PTSD from when his dad locked him in a closet.

As if on cue, the vent near the ceiling banged open. We all stared at it with wide eyes.  Nothing happened.

Remus walked over and tried to see if he could open the window. But it didn't. For some reason, the windows didn't open in this house.

"Can I break your window?"  Remus whispered loudly.

"No," I told him sternly. "Do you know how expensive it would be to replace the window?"

"Don't know don't care," Remus shrugged. "I knew it made Issac pissy if I broke the window."

I frowned. I don't know how to comfort Remus when it comes to Issac related issues. I just don't like thinking about Remus in a relationship like that.

"That is a last minute escape route," I mumbled.

"Quinn is having a panic attack," Remus said while aggressively motioning towards Quinn curled up on the floor. "We need to get him out of here and escape before you dad rips our heads off.

"Why does your mind go to the most demented thing?"  I asked. 

"Demented shit is my jam,"  Remus laughed.  "Window?"

"Fine," I sighed. "Good luck though, that's heavy duty glass."

Remus picked up my metal desk chair and hurled it at the window. Quinn and Evan both let out a little screech of shock as the chair collided with the window and then the floor. A little crack appeared in the corner but that was it.

"What do you have that's heavy duty and wouldn't break easily?"  Remus asked.  "Preferably something metal."

"I have a tiny safe full of coins,"  I suggested, picking it up from my desk.  It was heavy. 

"Prefect," Remus whispered with in insane look.

He walked over to the window and started slamming the corner of the safe into the corner of the window. After a few seconds, the window started cracking significantly more.

"How is that working?" I asked.

"Strongest part of a window is the middle," Remus mumbled while continued to work. "Break up the corner and the edges and then throw something extremely heavy in the center."

We all stayed silent while Remus worked. My eyes kept flickering to the clock and then to the vent. There are so many horrible ways this could go wrong.

Remus finally stepped back before chucking the safe at the window full force. With a loud crash, the window shattered and the safe went flying out into the backyard below.

Then Remus grabbed his knife and worked on breaking off what was left before throwing my comforter on the window sill.

Without a second thought, Remus started to climb out the window.  I jumped forewords and managed to grab him just in time. 

"You can't jump out the window,"  I told him.  "You'll get hurt."

"What's a little blood and bruises?"  He laughed. 

"A broken bone at the best is what you'll get from this height,"  I said sternly. 

"Oh please, if I go limp and land on my back I'll just have bruises,"  Remus tried to persuade me. 

I dragged him back into the room, careful to make sure he didn't accidentally get hurt on the glass.  Many sharp jagged pieces were still sticking out from the edge.

"How are we going to get down there?" Evan asked worriedly. Quinn still hadn't calmed down.

"There should be some rope under my bed," I whispered shamefully.

"Why do you have rope?" Evan asked. Quinn gave me a worriedly look.

"Reasons," I mumbled. Remus crawled under my bed and grabbed the rope.

I have this rope for two reasons. One being to kill myself with. I try not to think about it now that I have Remus, Evan and Quinn.

Two being in case of an emergency where I would need to climb down from my window. Which I guess is actually happening now.

Remus and I worked together to tie the rope securely so that we didn't fall. The rope made it down to about a foot or so off the ground.

"What about all of the stuff?" Evan asked.

"Well come back for it when my dad isn't home," I told him. "For now, we have to get out of here."

I took Quinn, making him tightly hold onto me by wrapping his legs around my waist and then his arms around my neck. We decided to go first because Quinn desperately needed out.

Remus did the same with Evan and waited at the top for us. Neither of them had any upper body strength.

I stared down at the ground for a few seconds. A painful panic gripping my lungs. Slowly I forced myself to climb out the window and start shimming down it.

Quinn was shaking badly and holding tightly to me. He needs comfort right now. Not dangling two stories from the ground.

Once we reached the bottom, I gently sat Quinn on the ground. I looked up and watched as Remus started heading down.

But then, Remus's foot lost its grip on the side of the house. Which caused him to loose his grip on the rope. They were still all the way up by the window.

Then someone appeared in the window and pulled on the rope. It was Dad with a huge steak knife. He smiled evilly and began to cut the rope.

Remus tried to start going faster but that made him loose his grip again and they almost fell. There was a loud snap as the rope was cut loose.

But that didn't compare to the screams from Remus and Evan as they fell.

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