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Shuichi pov:

I was going outside to meet up with Kaito and Maki for are daily training but when I got there, i just saw Maki and is look like she about to leave. Before she did I went up to her and ask:

"Um...Maki where Kaito?"

"I don't know and I don't really care either." She say as she walk off.

'I guess he had something important to do and forgot to tell us.' I thought as I made my way to the library to study for a test I had next week. As I walked into the library and took a seat, grabbing my books and putting my earbuds to block any outside noises and started studying.

*time skip*

Is been an hour or so of me studying, I check the time on my phone. There was thirty minutes before last period so I got up, grab my books putting them in my bag and left. As I was walking to my locker, I noticed a crowd of people surrounding somesomething or someone. As I got closer I can hear everyone chatting the word 'fight' over and over. I would avoid those types of things but is hard went your locker is in the crowd of people. I still try to get trough them but I somehow got suck into the circle of students.

'Well great' I thought to myself as I was getting push by a bunch of highschoolers. Even tho I try to make my way out, I still manage to get in front of the circle. Of course I got to see what was happening and went I did my eyes winded. Kaito and Ouma where fighting and form the look of it, is wasn't pretty.

Katie's jacket was on the floor, it was a little bit ripped by that wasn't the top priority. Kaito hair was on the floor due to his hair getting pulled, he had a bruise cheek and he had some scratches marks on arms. I looked over at the purple hair boy and he wasn't any better. He had a black eye and a cut on his cheek, his clothes were all dirty and ripped a little. It look like he was having trouble standing up as he was lining on a locker. It honestly look like he was going to pass out. I didn't know what to do as I just stood there watching them going at each other's throw. Soon after the tall boy grabbed Ouma by his collar and it seemed like he was whispering something in his ears. Then threw him hard on the locker hitting his head pretty bad. What was worse was the people where actually cheering and enjoying his pain.

"Does everyone hate him...that much?" I mumbled to myself.

I would usually leave and mind my own business knowing that the teacher would take care of this but at this point I had enough. I need to stop my bestfriend form going any further so I drop my bag and yelled:


When he heard me yelling his name he immediately stop and started sweating nervously. It seems like he was thinking of something to cover up his actions.

"Um... h-hi sidekick um what up?"

"Don't give that 'hi sidekick' act, what are you doing. I know you and Ouma-kun don't get along but this is going to far." I told him.


I look over at the purple gremlin who was unconscious on the floor. I took him in my arms and went to the nurse's office. I could hear murmuring form the other students but I didn't care about that now. I just want to make sure Ouma was ok.

Kokichi pov (finally)

I woke up with a beaming light flashing in my eyes which almost blinded me. After my eyes got used to the light I realized we're I was. I was in the nurse's office laying on the bed, I sat up and rush of pain went through my head. I put my hand on my head realizing that it was bandaged then an unexpected person came through the door. It was Saihara-chan,

'what was he the one who brought me here. Why would he do that for someone like me?' I thought to myself.

"Ouma-kun I'm glad you're awake."
He said with a glass of water in hand giving it to me. I took a sip then asked him:

"Hey Saihara-chan what happened?"

"Oh um you black out when y-you where fighting kaito." He explained

"While y-you a-share out I took care of you're injuries since the nurse wasn't here today." He continued.

There was a pause before he talk again.

"O-ouma I understand that you and Kaito don't get along and all but....w-what happened that would cause a g-gruesome fight?" He question me.

Shit I feared he was going to ask me that I can't let him know that Momota-chan had been bullying me before he came. He told me so before knocking me out, I need to come up with a lie or maybe changing the subject.

"Awww Saihara-chan is worried about little old me that so thoughtful. Ssoooo I'm gonna tell you everything no lies.
I say as I pat the bad telling him to sit beside me. As he sat down I told him the 'true.'

"Well Saihara-chan as you see...Momota-chan was out to kill me, I almost didn't make it out alive, but I got saved by my beloved and I'm soooooo thankful. I said as I dramatically fell on to Saihara lap. He just signed knowing he won't go anywhere with me. After a while I sat up and ask him:

"Hey Saihara-chan why did you help me?"

I could clearly cut of guard by that question so out of nervousness, he pulled down his hat to avoid eye contact. I was never a fan of him wearing that emo hat since the day he came. It would hide most of his face and I want to see what look like. So I reached out my hand to grab it which took him by surprise.

"O-ouma g-giv-"

"Now Saihara-chan let me ask you again." I said as I grabbed his chin forcing him to make eye contact.

"Why did you help me?" I ask him with almost emotionless.


He didn't say anything, he probably thinking of an answer or was just uncomfortable of how close we are. We started like this looking into each other's eyes. Plus now that his hat was out of the way I could admire is eyes and face feature better. He had a pale face, long and pretty laches, a pair of golden-yellow eyes and his navy-blue hair had an antenna sticking out. He was actually kinda cute. NO! I can't get attached to someone, it will be the same scenario over and over again. After some time he finally say something.

"I...I don't know." He answered


"I d-don't know why s-specifically but s-something in me wanted t-to help. I c-couldn't just let y-you get beaten u-up now can I." He answered truthfully


I didn't really expecting that, he....he wanted to help me. No one wanted to help me and he was the first one. The thought of the hat made my stomach turn and I swear I saw his eyes shine a little. My heart was pounding like crazy I wasn't even running away form Momota-chan or Harukawa-chan.

'What is this?!' I thought to myself.

Without thinking I got up and excited the ignoring the pain all over my body and leaving a confused Saihara behind. I can't focus on that now I need to know what the fuck is happening to me.

Shuichi pov:

That was weird to say the least, he just left the room without saying anything else. Did my answers not please him, I mean I'm not...lying. I don't know how to explain 'this'. Went I saw him like this my chest started to hurt, I didn't want to see him all bruise up like that. I can't get him off of my mind, those violet eyes machine is hair as it curls up at the ends. That smile of his, I wanted to see that smile and I wanted to be by his side. BA-DUM! What the? What was that? Why did that happened? I don't get this, is it was I think it is? I don't....I don't think it is. I check time on the wall realizing the I'm now late. Now I need to deal with him when I get home. I grabbed my hat place it on my head and went to class anyway.

(Shit that was long to write anyway what do you think is happening to Shuichi and Kokichi)

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