Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


          When I opened my eyes, he was gone. Where did he go? What a jerk. He completely just walked away from me. What kind of jerk does that?

          A car horn beeping snapped me out of my daze. “What were you thinking about?” My uncle questioned. “Got a hot date for tomorrow night?” He joked.

          “Funny,” I muttered, getting in the car.

          When we got home, I was surprised with a special dinner. “Your mother told me that you love the Chinese food from the city, so I ordered it special. She told me everything that you like too.” He said and after seeing that this brought a smile to my face, he smiled triumphantly.

          Everything tasted so good. It was a treat to eat here. Something I only got on special occasions. “Thank you so much!” I exclaimed, walking over and giving my uncle a hug. It was clear that he was completely surprised about my sudden change in behavior.

          Walking up to my bedroom, I turned on the light to see the same box sitting on the floor, waiting to be unpacked. I really didn’t want to ruin my ok mood, but I needed to unpack it.

          Opening it up, the first thing I saw was a picture of me and Emmett. He was holding me in his arms; both of us lost deep into the others eyes. My friend took this for us. This was my life. My life when it was normal; when everything was ok. I had to realize that that would never be the case again. But there was something about today that made it better.

          I took all of the stuff out of the box, examining each object thoroughly. In the end though, I wasn’t strong enough. I wasn’t strong enough to have all of these things lying around in my room, haunting me; reminding me of everything that I used to have.

          Everything had to be packed up again. I couldn’t handle it. This was too much for me. But for the first time since Emmett’s car crash, I didn’t cry myself to sleep.


          It was Friday. School was over and that meant no staying after to help in the library, no awkwardness with Ryan. I got to be free, or as free as you can be when you are done with school for the week.

          “I am so excited!” Linzie said, coming out of nowhere and scaring me half to death. “It’s your first party at my house! I promise, though, that you will have a blast!” Her face was illuminated with enthusiasm.

          I smiled at her, genuinely excited as well. “I can’t wait!” I said, not being as good with words as she was.

          It was then that Ryan walked past me. He glanced at me quickly, but when he realized that I was meeting his gaze, he started to walk even faster away from me. That kiss… There was something about it. I hurt when I saw him walk away from me, but if he would have confronted me I would have walked away too. Everything was just so awkward.

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