Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


          I felt like running from the hell hole. Detention would have been better any day.

          Looking through my backpack I saw something, or rather didn’t see something that really got me mad. I was out of my pot. How could I just forget this?

          My phone started buzzing in my pocket and saw that I had a text message. It was from Derek, my drug dealer. It read: “You were supposed to meet me after school today. I’ll be in the courtyard.”

          Good, I thought to myself. I walked out into the court yard to see Derek standing on the other side of the street waiting for me.

          “How’s it been?” He asked me, looking me up and down as I walked over to him.

          “Good,” I answered with a slight nod of my head. Pulling the money out of my wallet, I saw that I only had a twenty. “All I got,” I said, handing him the money.

          “Good enough,” he said, handing me a small zip lock bag filled with all of my pot.

          Smiling, I nodded my head and started to turn away, when I was thrust to the ground. Derek started sprinting away, but I couldn’t see what he was running from. When I struggled to look up, it was then that I realized that rough, heavy hands were holding me to the ground.

          “Now we can do this the easy way,” the male’s voice said to me. He picked me up and thrust me against a car. It was black and had flashing blue and red lights. It was a police car.

          “Put your hands up,” he said, and I turned around with my hands up in the air.

          The officer patted me down, finding my cigarettes, lighter, and my newly bought drugs.

          Slipping gloves on, the officer put handcuffs on me and walked away to examine the exact contents of the bag. Looking around, I made sure that no one could see me. It was bad enough already.

          “Son, you are under arrest for the possession of illegal substances.” He said, taking me by the forearm and putting me in the cop car.

          “Oh Annabelle I’m sorry.” Did he just say Annabelle? “I have to take him to the station. It’s just down the street. You don’t mind walking do you?” She finally came into view and nodded her head yes.

          “You kids never fail to surprise me,” the officer muttered. “Don’t you realize how bad this all is for you? The drugs, the smoking, it’s all bad and I’m the only one who sees it that way I guess.” The officer mumbled on, not really talking to anyone but talking loudly enough so that I could hear.

          Why did everyone always say that like I’m supposed to care? I gave up caring a long, long time ago.

          The officer got me out of the car and walked me into the police station. In the waiting room, I saw Annabelle sitting there, her face expressionless. She looked nearly dead.

          “Sit here and don’t do anything stupid.” He said, giving stern look.

          Were all cops this stupid? Did they not realize that there were cameras everywhere and people watching? I’m not that stupid.

          I looked up to see Annabelle staring at me. What did she want? “What is wrong with you?” She asked me in a quiet voice, but I just looked right through her. “Do you really not care? I’m stuck here now. I bet you think that you are just so cool. Well guess what?” She flipped me off, catching me off guard. I couldn’t believe that she just did that. Little miss quiet good-two-shoes did something bad.

          “Ryan,” a voice called my name and I looked up with a blank gaze. “We need to talk.”

          I followed the same police officer that had arrested me into what I assumed to be his office. “Sit,” he said, which was really uncomfortable since I still had my handcuffs on.

          “I’ve looked at your record from school. This is your first time getting caught possessing drugs. I’m not going to be easy on you like your school has been. You will be given two options.”

          “What are they?” I asked.

          “Option one,” he said, giving me this look that I could just tell that I irked him. “You turn in your drug dealer.” I couldn’t do that. I would lose so much. “Option two. You will be going to court and going before a judge.” Both of those options totally sucked.

          “You won’t get off the hook with option one, so don’t be fooled. You will be forced to do the community service at the library every day for the next six months, and then you will be reevaluated.”

          “Option one,”

          “Glad that chip is off your shoulder.” He said, making me scowl. “Now, I want you to come with me.” He said, grabbing my arm and guiding me down the hall and into an investigation room just like the ones that you see in movies.

          “I just want to inform you before we start that there are cameras recording this. Everything that you say that is false will used against you.” I just looked at him blankly.

          “Who is the man or woman that you have been receiving your illegal substances from?” The officer said, stroking his moustache.

          I paused for a long time, not wanting to answer. “Derek.”

          “Derek…?” He asked, clearly looking for a last name.

          “I don’t know. He never told me.”

          “Describe his physical features.”

          I paused for a long time again. The walls were black except for one wall that had some sort of glass there but you couldn’t see through it. There was one light on illuminating the whole room. We sat at a metal table that was cold and the room brought an eerie feel to it.

          “He’s a little bit taller than me, dark brown hair, almost black that reached just the tip his fore head, and blue eyes.” That was all I could remember. I never really gave him the whole once over before.

          After an extremely intense stare down, he simply just nodded at me, taking in all of the information. “You can go and sit back out in the lobby,” he said, so I got up and walked back out, just waiting for this night to be over with.

Love, Drugs, and High SchoolWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu