The Final Battle

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Warning: just a bit of blood unless you are very imaginative.

(Third POV)

Meanwhile, on the other side of the building, was the group of Japan running swiftly towards the massive multi-headed dog.
While they ran towards it Phil explained the ways that they may kill it. He informed that whenever Cerberus will eat, it becomes very calm and passive, he also said that according to Greek mythology Cerberus was weakened by the music that Orpheus, a legendary musician, played on his lyre.

Unfortunately, they were not Orpheus nor did they have a lyre at the moment. So their best option was to find a big amount of food and feed it to Cerberus.

After the explanation, they entered a room, which the large dog entered, and saw a huge bowl of food. "It can't be that easy," Malay said confused.

Moments later while they were carrying the bowl of food he said: " Oh it's that easy" he quietly said as they carried the heavy bowl to the dog, who seemed to have stopped running.

They placed down the food close to Cerberus and waited for it to take notice. As they waited Indo noticed that Phil wasn't with them. He worriedly called out for Phil and later on so did everyone else. Britain pointed at the small country that was examining the sleeping beast.

"Phil, get out of there!" Japan whisper-yelled at him.

"Relax it's not like it's gonna wake up, I just want to have a close look at this humongous creature." He said trying his best to keep his voice low so Cebrus wouldn't wake up.

He then saw everyone with a face of worry and fear, as they pointed at something behind him.
Then he saw Malay mouthing "behind you"
Phil was terrified when he was able to make out what Malay was trying to say.

He slowly turned around and saw that Cebrus has woken up from his nap and looked rather angry. Phil could feel the warm air coming from the nose of the giant dog as it growled.

He tried to run to his friends but Cebrus was one step ahead and grabbed Phil's foot with on giant paw. Phil screamed for help and immediately everyone in the group pulled out their weapons and began giving everything they got at the beast. The beast had already gnawed on Phil's leg. Out of fright and pain, Phil screamed and cried for help.

Somewhere around the building, not too far from there was Martial and his group who have seemed to have lost the cyclops. While they were looking for the giant fiend when they heard a scream coming from another room. Martial sensed that there was trouble and ran in the direction where the scream was coming from.

He entered the room and saw his twin hanging from most of the Cebrus sobbing. When Martial saw this he got angry and feared for the life of his dear brother. He pulled out his sniper and shot the monster several times until it dropped Philip.

Martial ran towards his brother to get him to a safe spot. Phil had already passed out and seemed very pale. He was losing a lot of blood and needed immediate medical help. It was a good thing that he had always carried medical supplies with him wherever he goes.

Once he found a spot to lay his unconscious brother down he began to clean the wound and place bandages on it.

Meanwhile, with the others, the rest of Martial's group came and helped the others to fight the monster while Japan and Indo carried the bowl toward the monster. Cerberus finally took notice of the food bowl and began to eat.

With that Vietnam gave the final blow and killed the fearsome creature. Malay then grabbed a knife from his pocket and carved out the heart of the beast. After their victory dance, They decided to wait for Phil to wake up. While they waited outside a separate room Aussie heard a great big roar on the other side of the room.

Everyone brought out their weapons and waited for the monster to show itself. They formed a protective wall to protect the unconscious Philip.

The barbarian showed its hideous face at the group and attempted to grab Britain who quickly dodged the giant hand. With that everyone began to fight, Vietnam fired his blaster, Canada shot the monster with his sniper Aussie got several of his deadly animals to attack, and Mexico fired flaming arrows at the ugly creature. While the rest defended the entrance to the room while Indo went to warn Martial.

Not too long after Russia's group appeared and saw their friends' current situation and began to fight alongside them. The battle never seemed to end, they were injured and tired but didn't stop fighting until Phil came out with his arm around his brother and yelled as loud as he could," THE CYCLOPES IS VULNERABLE TO LIGHT!"  Everyone nodded and brought out all the items they have that shine bright light. While they gathered them Aussie distracted the beast using his animals and his crossbow

He kept on firing until he ran out of arrows, he rummaged through his bag and only found the snake fangs from the first time he met Vietnam, Phil, Malay, and Indo; some sticks and some rope. He then had an idea and made three arrows out of the objects he had found.
He aimed at the face of the Cyclopes and fired.
But he missed, fortunately, it was the perfect distraction. He continued to aim his crossbow at the beast until his friends came with several flashlights at hand.

They shine it at the monster as Aussie grabbed the final arrow that he made and stabbed the chest of the humongous barbarian. It collapsed and hit the ground making a booming noise that would destroy anyone's eardrums but to them, it was the sound of victory. They all ran to Phil and Martial to celebrate their victory together.

Then Scot remembered what they had to do with the hearts of the monsters.
They went to the chest with Phil holding on to Russia. Once they placed the hearts in the box a letter dropped from the ceiling.

Canada picked it up and read it out loud.

"Gravo everybody! You have defeated the ferocious beasts and still survived. But you guys cheated, I said that one group has to fight one monster. You all teamed up on the last two of my monsters. I admit this made me furious ( as well as a different thing) so, I'm giving you a punishment; but you'll still get your reward which is your freedom but you have to promise not to tell anyone otherwise you'll be stuck here once more."

After Canada read the note Phil was shot on the back with a poison tip arrow.
"PHIL!" Martial yelled in horror as his brother collapsed on the ground. He rushed by his side but by the time he got to Phil, it was too late. Phil was now gone. He grieved for his brother, his only family member gone. He swore revenge against Spain and Ireland.

They took their time and grieved for Phil until a door opened up lighting up the darkroom with sunlight from the outside. They stood up and began to walk towards their only way out, but Martial stayed by his brother's side.

"Martial, aren't you coming?"
He didn't respond, he just continued to sob.
The others knew that he needed time alone but what they didn't know was that he was already planning his revenge.


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